Chapter 32: Lunch with The Chikafuji 1

'The relationship between Daiki and I has changed again. Friends with benefits?' Narumi thought to herself as she looked at herself through the mirror; her neck was filled with a few hickeys from last night's activities. They didn't do much, but after the making-out moments in her office, she was convinced that Daiki knew his ways around pleasing a woman.

"Narumi!" Akiko yelled as she rushed into her, feeling completely breathless.

"Yes." Narumi sighed.

"Mom told me that they were coming to our house today." Akiko said.  She wanted to create a little suspense, which is why she didn't reveal who was coming, but her sister wasn't interested in her dramatic stuff. 

"You are no fun." Akiko grumbled before sitting down next to her. 

"I know that if the news you have is important, you will have to tell me." 

Narumi said so with a smirk on her face. 

"Uncle Akifumi and Sota are coming here today." Akiko said. She could feel shivers running through her spine as she looked at her sister, who looked like she had seen a ghost. Her eyes turned huge; her mouth gaped open like she saw a ghost, and her pupils seemed dilated almost too much. The smile she was wearing slowly fell away, and it turned into an uneasy grimace that made Akiko worry for her sister. "Are you alright?" She asked. 

"That man is coming here." Narumi said. "With his useless son." 

"Yup, and mom wants you to please control your temper when they come." Akiko muttered.

Narumi let a sigh out of her lungs. She would not let her temper get the better of her again, but somehow, whenever she saw that man, her blood would boil, and it made her want to strangle him.

"I wonder why our parents were given horrible siblings. Dad would still be here with us if he didn't have a brother like Kanato; mom's brother is a green snake in green grass." Narumi mumbled. 

"I know that, but for mom's sake, sis." She sighed.  "And she doesn't..." 

Akiko's voice turned into a whisper after she saw a hickey on her sister's neck; it was covered by her hair before, but she could see it clearly after Narumi adjusted her hair.

"Narumi, is that a hickey?" Akiko asked.

Her jaw dropped when her older sister nodded. "Oh my gosh! Who is it?" 

Narumi felt hesitant to tell her sister about her new deal with Daiki, but she still said it anyway.

"Well, the thing is, Daiki and I have decided to change our deal to friends with benefits. Our sexual feelings got hard to control, so we came up with this, but we haven't done the main deal yet, just a little making out." Narumi  finished.

Akiko gasped. She couldn't believe what she was hearing, but either way, it was good news that there had been a development in their relationship. 

"That's good. If that's what the both of you want, then no problem." She smiled and leaned on her sister's shoulder. 

"Thanks Akiko."  Narumi laughed.   She loved how her sister always gave her encouragement in her decisions. 

'I'm going to tell mom about this.' Akiko thought.  'This is a good development.'

"Where is Daiki?" Narumi asked. 

"Oh well, he went out to run some errands for mom." Akiko muttered. She was supposed to assist him, but she didn't go with him. 

'I'm sure he will kill me for not assisting him.' Akiko thought. 

"Oh, is that so?" Narumi  hummed. 

"He will be back soon, like, let's say, in two minutes. He left for the market by 7 a.m., and it's 10 a.m., so I'm sure he's on his way." Akiko muttered.

"That means mom gave him a heavy task, and then she should have sent someone to assist him." Narumi said, then looked at her sister. "Were you supposed to be the person?" 

"Um....I guess."  Akiko bit her lower lips.

"You guess?" A voice came from the door, and both girls looked up to see Daiki leaning against the doorframe with a smirk and looking at them with amusement written all over his face. 

"Daiki, you are back. I'm sorry for not coming with you. Please don't kill me." She  groaned.

"Don't be." He chuckled. "I could handle it by myself." 

"Thank you," she said and stood up. "I'm going to go to mom now, so see you guys doing lunch." She quickly ran out of the room, leaving Daiki and Narumi together.

"Daiki, can I ask you for a favor?" Narumi asked.

"Of course, Narumi." He said with a nod.

"My uncle and his son are coming over together, so please, you need to stay by my side. Whenever they come around, it makes me angry."  Narumi said with a frown.

Daiki smiled at her request. "Okay, as you wish." 

"Thank you," she said. Daiki pulled out his phone when he heard a notification from his recent messages. There were a couple of messages from Izumi that made him smile.

"Who are you texting?" Narumi asked.

"Oh, Izumi left a few messages for me." Daiki replied honestly. 

'She is messaging him!' Narumi's cheeks flared up, and she turned away. She didn't know where these sudden bursts of emotion came from. 

"You look jealous, Narumi." He smirked.

"No, I'm not!" She snapped at him.

He laughed loudly at her reaction and started to walk in Narumi's direction. When he reached her, his arm went around her waist, and his hand landed on her lower back and rubbed it gently.

"Izumi and I are just childhood friends." Daiki said with a wink.

Narumi blushed furiously and pushed Daiki lightly, pushing him back while he laughed. His hands went up, protecting himself from her push as she blushed.

"I don't think she thinks like that." Narumi said. "Why would she be flirting with my husband?" 

"So you consider me your husband?" Daiki smirked.

"Even if it's a contract marriage, which will last for a year and two months, you are still my husband, so of course nobody should flirt with you."  Narumi glared at him. Her nose scrunched slightly, which made him chuckle.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and leaned down, close to her ears, so that he could whisper something.

"Izumi is not my type. I have told you my type before, but there's one thing I have said before." He whispered.

"What's that?"  She asked.

"I have always wanted a woman who can take control if we are having a sexy time, and Izumi is not the kind of woman who can do that, but you.." He paused before kissing her earlobe gently. "You can do just that to me." 

"Is that so?"  Narumi teased, moving closer to him. "Maybe I'll show you then how good I can be."

His gaze turned into a lustful expression as she slowly moved closer to his body.

"Please do that to me until our contract expires." He mumbled against her ear, causing a shiver to run through Narumi.

"Of course I will, but let's get ready to welcome the people that are coming." Narumi said. 
