[Bonus chapter] Submit to you Part 1

'The house is completely empty.' Narumi thought as she stood alone in the hall.

All the servants were given a few days off so that they could spend time with their loved ones while Akiko went out with a few friends.

'Mom is not around. I'm sure she went to do some charity work.' She thought to herself. 'It's something she normally does during the sakura flower festival.'

She didn't even bother to go back into her room. Instead, she went to find Daiki and see what he was doing.

'Did he go out? What if he did, but why won't he tell me about it?' She wondered. 'I kind of miss his company.'

Her mind wandered off, and as it did, she kept on wandering around the house until she came out of it—well, to the garden, not outside the house. The sun was shining, and all the cherry blossom petals were still falling in their own sweet way. Even though spring had arrived, the air was still warm and humid.

Narumi noticed Daiki standing under the cherry tree with his arms crossed and his eyes closed as he enjoyed the scenery.

His posture looked relaxed and comfortable.

As soon as Narumi came within arm's reach, Daiki finally opened his eyes. He stared at the redhead, his eyebrows furrowing slightly. "You are awake."

"Yes, of course!" Narumi grinned nervously.

Daiki sighed and shook his head. "Do you know what time it is?"

"No," she said with a shrug.

"It's past noon," he deadpanned.

Narumi turned a bit pale as she realized what he said. Last night they came home really late because of a meeting with a new client.

"I must have overslept." She sighed.

"I know because I ensured nobody woke you up. You looked very peaceful while sleeping, so no one bothered you." Daiki explained. "And you were exhausted yesterday."

"Ah, right," she muttered sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck. "The house was empty, so I came looking for you. I thought you went out."

"Nobody is at home, so how could I leave you and go out?" He chuckled. "Besides, I don't have anywhere to go."

"What do you mean? I used to live here alone when my mom and Akiko were not living in Tokyo with me." Narumi frowned.

"True." Daiki nodded in agreement. The two of them stayed in silence for a while, but Narumi broke it.

"Wait a second. The day you came to my office after being hired as my personal secretary, I told you that I don't want anyone who smokes or drinks to live with me." She remembered it vividly. "I remember you saying you don't do such things."

"Yes, I did." He nodded.

"You lied." Narumi huffed.

"I don't drink in this house." Daiki clarified. "And I don't smoke. I only drink during parties and social gatherings."

Narumi's expression softened at his words. He looked like he was telling the truth.

"Alright, but be warned. If you ever smoke in front of me, I'll kill you." She said it seriously.

Daiki gave a light laugh. "Yeah, yeah. Sure thing."

"I'm serious." Narumi pointed at him warningly, giving him a stern look.

"Yes, ma'am, listen, are you feeling hungry?" Daiki asked her.

"Not really." Narumi replied honestly. She was a person who didn't really eat much."

"Are you sure?" He asked and gave her a worried glance. "Because I can make you something if you are hungry."

"No, thank you." She smiled politely.

Daiki frowned and shook his head. "Let's just head inside; you might get cold."

"The air is warm; how will I get cold?" She asked skeptically.

"Narumi, you are in your nightgown, and it's pretty transparent. Let's put more layers on you first." Daiki said patiently.

Narumi felt heat rush to her face, and she looked away. She wasn't entirely naked. Her nightgown was a short-sleeved dress that ended above her knees. It wasn't tight enough for it to be indecent, but it was still a little see-through.

"Oh, um, okay." She mumbled.

Daiki took her hand and led her to the room, although he let go of it after getting a notification from his phone that a message had arrived.

"You got a message. Is everything alright?" She asked curiously.

"Yeah," he answered distractedly, "just a message from Izumi. She wants us to meet up."

"Why?" Narumi asked and leaned closer to Daiki to read what was said on his phone. When she saw the message, her frown deepened. "Why does she want to see you?"

"Who knows." He shrugged and slipped the phone into his pocket. "Anyway, we should probably get changed first."

"I don't want to change. This is comfortable enough for me. You can go and see your friend." Narumi protested, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"I find it really cute that you get jealous. It makes you look younger, cuter, and more beautiful." Daiki smirked at her, but suddenly he got down on his knees in front of her.

"What are you doing?" She asked, surprised.

"You said we were going to be friends with benefits. I want to submit to you, so use me as you seem fit," he said as he kissed her feet lightly.

"You want to submit to me?" Narumi repeated, dumbfounded.

Daiki lifted his head to look at her. "Of course, we only have a few months before our contract is over, so please use my body as you see fit. Look at me with your icy blue orbs." He said it seductively.

His tone made her feel shivers run down her spine.

"Fine then." She murmured before bending down to kiss him. Daiki wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer. Their kisses became heated quickly. Daiki started kissing Narumi with more passion than she was accustomed to.

"You want to submit to me, huh?" She whispered breathlessly.

"You've never needed to ask." Daiki growled as he picked her up in bridal style, carrying her to bed.