

Since I comforted Rin while he was crying, he has been acting a little more relaxed with me. I can't say I mind. He has a way of making me smile even without trying. I have only known this man for a day and a half, but it feels like I have known him forever. It's baffling. I don't understand his condition either. The man has forgotten everything about himself and this world but remembers Latin. I haven't asked about it yet because I don't want to put any unnecessary stress on him. I can tell he is just pretending to be okay. I wouldn't want to make it worse by accusing and interrogating him. I hate to admit it, but my curiosity outweighs my empathy at this point. I am holding back, but it's a strategy. I don't care about his feelings. I care about answers. Anon and I show Rin around the main floor.

"I have to go talk to Father. I will leave the rest of the tour to you, Anon." I say as I walk away. 

"You better keep some details to yourself," Anon yells. 

I hold up my hand and wave in acknowledgment. 

I walk down the main hall towards my father's private office. I knock and wait for a reply.


I don't know if he has retired for the night or not. It is late, and he's old. I knock again, just in case. 

"God dammit! Come in!" my father shouts.

Great, he is in a bad mood. 

"Hello, Father. I have something important to talk to you about. Do you have a minute?" I bow as I enter the room. 

"What is it? What have you done this time?" He scoffs as he removes his reading glasses.

"Today, while Anon and I were out, I was attacked. It seems it is a group from Kervini. I was lucky enough to have a friend with me who was skilled in defensive attacks and was able to stop them. So, for the time being, I have offered this friend a job as my bodyguard. He will be living here with me. I will have him stay in my old playroom." I looked up at my father to see how he would react to this news. 

He pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs. 

"Did you handle everything properly?" I nod. 

I know he doesn't care about me. He cares about our image. 

"This friend, he won't become a problem, will he? He must know how to behave while he is associated with the royal family. Understood?" My father picks up his reading glasses and points with them. 

I nod again. 

"I will look into this group from Kervini that dares to attempt something so bold. Is that all?" My father places his glasses on his face and begins working again. 

"Yes, sir. Thank you." I bow and leave, closing the door behind me.

Today has been such a long day. I don't think I will have any trouble falling asleep tonight. I begin walking up the grand staircase towards the second floor, where my bedroom is. As I reached my room, I noticed Anon and Rin speaking in front of the door to my old playroom. 

"How was the tour?" I asked them to let them know I was there. 

Rin doesn't look at me. He has his head down, and Anon looks like he just got caught doing something he shouldn't have. What happened in the ten minutes I was gone? 

"Is everything all right?" I ask, hoping someone will finally respond to me. 

"I just finished showing Rin his new room. I told him he would have to stay in the servant quarters tonight till the room and contract can be arranged." Anon says to avoid making eye contact. 

Yup, Anon is guilty about something. 

"Oh, alright. Anon, please look into the group who attacked us today. For some reason, my father took an interest in it. He doesn't usually care about anything related to me, so there must be something different about this time." I say 

"Okay, I will look into it. Will you show Rin to the servant's quarters? I want to go to bed." I nod, and Anon walks away without saying anything. 

I walk closer to Rin, who still won't look in my direction. 

"What happened? Why won't you look at me?" I ask as I place my hand on his shoulder. 


Okay, this is starting to piss me off. 

"Are you just going to ignore me?" 


I scoff and grab his hand. I pull him into the playroom next to my bedroom. 

"What fuck is your problem? Just a few minutes ago, you were flirting with me, and now you won't even acknowledge me? How fickle can you get?" 

Shit, I lost my cool. Rin whips his hand out of mine and snaps his head up to look at me. 

"FLIRT!?!? I was not fucking flirting with you!!! Geez, someone is full of himself." Rin is clearly embarrassed. 

He is blushing like a teenage girl who just saw her crush. I can't help but smile.

"Stop smiling. It's creepy." Rin huffs and crosses his arms. 

Man, his reactions are just too funny. 

"So, now that I have you talking to me again, are you going to answer my question? What happened while I was gone?" The annoyed look on Rin's face faded away and twisted into a pained one. 

"Look, I appreciate your concern, but everything is fine. Anon and I don't get along very well. I can be professional; you don't need to worry. Now, where are the servant's quarters, Your Highness? After saving your ass all day, I would like to rest." Rin's look softens, but you can tell he is still uncomfortable. 

I should drop it for now. 

"This way. I will show you to your room." I open the door and motion for him to leave. 

Damn it, Anon, what did you say to him to shut him up like that?