Emotional Support Bodyguard


Kista looks like he did in my dream. Well, minus the length of his hair. Surprisingly enough I don't feel awkward around him even though this is the first time I have met him. I think Jay and Kista are very similar. I wonder what kind of life he lived during this time. I know how cruel humans can be. I don't want to think the worst but he was held captive for over 20 years. Plus, how does he recognize me? I think he mentioned something about being attached to monitors in my dream.

"Were you hooked up to monitors like these in the place you were held captive?" I ask without thinking.

Fuck, I didn't mean to ask that. Especially not now. He could be in shock and he was just reunited with his family. Kista stares at me with a shocked expression. I knew I shouldn't have said anything.

"How did you know?" He asked.