Kervini's Color Factions

Kervini has an underground crime government of sorts. They are called the Color factions. There are seven factions in total. Each faction is like its own department in this government. A lot of the inner workings of the Color Factions are unknown to outsiders but it's safe to say that Kervini is fueled by its crime organizations. The biggest factions are called the Primary colors. They are run by Kervini's most powerful nobles and CEOs. Dalmane is a Constitutional Monarchy, whereas Kervini is more of an Aristocracy. So Kervini has a lot of major players throughout the whole country. Though they all bow to King Walter Lao. Also known as the White Faction.

Primary Colors:

Azure, Gold, and Rose are the three leading factions. They are run by CEOs, nobles, and other high society members. They seem to be in charge of certain areas of Kervini. They created the smaller factions as alliances and they are called the Secondary colors. The Primaries use the Secondary colors for more blue-collar crimes, whereas the Primary colors are more white-collar criminals.

Secondary Colors:

Sapphire, Emerald, Black, and Ruby are smaller factions spread out throughout Kervini. They have multiple leaders and locations making cross-country crimes easier. The secondary color leaders are appointed or elected, whereas the Primary color leaders are inherited.

Azure Leader: MJ Park (President of Park Group)

Second in command: JJ Park (MJ's Brother, Vice President of Park Group)

Gold Leader: Mini Reed (Duchess of Lungeon)

Second in command: Lord Shaye Koda

Rose Leader: Kendra Lee (CEO of Lee Pharmaceuticals)

Second in command: Unknown

The Secondary faction's leaders are changed often, leaving intel unreliable.