Not A Date


What a hectic 48 hours it's been. Though I wasn't here for all of it, I can feel how worn out this body is. Rin was dealing with someone dying in his arms before this too. I don't know how this body is holding up with all this stress. Now, we have to deal with hiding Jay away from Duke Letten and King Kista. I don't know all the details of what's been happening the past few days while Rin was in control. Jay doesn't know everything either. We both only have bits of information. Honestly, it seems like Anon knows the most. Now that guy is off by himself. I can't deny that I am worried about him. While we are running off to hide he is risking himself to help Parker and get supplies. Where does that boldness come from? I don't understand him at times. One minute he hates Parker's guts and the next he is risking his safety for him. Plus he is a cautious person most of the time but sometimes he surprises us and does something reckless.