It's Time: Part 1


"So, where should we start?" Anon asks as he shoves a spoonful of lasagna in his mouth.

"Let's start chronologically. Let's put everything in order. It'll help with the timeline and piecing everything together." I say.

"Do you have a whiteboard or something down in your basement, shitty uncle?" Anon asks Dr. Quin.

"Hush, but yes I do. Luckily I'm not using it. Parker, can you go down and grab it?" Dr. Quin asks Parker who has been eagerly eating his dinner.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah." Parker says as he shoves the last of his food in his mouth.

I guess Anon must have made Parker carry most of the bags up the mountain. Well, that makes sense. Anon is a wimp. 

Parker quickly returns with the whiteboard and sets up next to Anon. It almost looked like a husband fetching his wife's purse for her. Whipped.