Conference Call: Part 1


I can't sleep. I haven't slept in twenty-four hours, but I can't sleep. I have so much on my mind. However, the only thing that I can focus on is Misha. I wish I could hear his voice. I want to see him with my own eyes and touch him. I want to hold him tight and never let go. 

"UGH! I can't take this." I grumble to myself as I push the covers off of me. 

I pick up my phone and quickly type up a message.

Jay: I miss you.

Jay: We finally made it here.

Jay: We had some problems, but everything worked out. 

I wait for ten minutes before sending another text.

Jay: We are taking the day to rest, but we are getting started tomorrow. Parker and Josie will focus on the MMA stuff, but the rest of us will meet up with some people and try to find people willing to help us.

Still no reply.