Lovey-Dovey Bullshit


After Sinow, Dr. Trevon, and I finished exploring the abandoned section of the castle, we concluded that there was nothing else of significance. Sinow became bored and left, leaving Dr. Trevon and me alone on the roof.

"That guard is going to be alright, right?" Dr. Trevon asks with worry written all over his face.

"Yes. He's fine. I only knocked him unconscious." I explain.

Dr. Trevon glares at me.

"What?" I snap.

"You do know it's still bad if you knock someone out, right? Sure, you are not killing them, but it could lead to long-term damage. He could lose his memory and even have brain damage." Dr Trevon scolds.

"Yeah, I know. Like you said, he isn't dead." I reiterate my point.

Dr. Trevon mutters under his breath as he walks over to the roof access door.

"You understand the plan, right?" I ask Dr. Trevon to get some reassurance.