I creeped from our nest after I checked on her and grabbed my tablet. She was exactly as i had left her. Asleep within the nest. I sat at the edge of the nest where I could keep watch over her while she slept. While she did take a while to fall asleep she seemed completely unaware while she was.

I checked my messages to find several from other Clans congratulating me on my life bonding. The only message I cared about right now was the message from Handler Franklin. He was basically my personal assistant and contact to the UPD. He had sent over a number of documents.

One of them held was titled 'Avabelle Blake'. I knew they had file's on all us Great Hunter's but why was there one on my mate? I opened it.

At the top was a picture of her. She looked younger but I couldn't say for sure how young.

The file read;

Name: Avabelle Blake Sex:Female


Mother: Carmen (Whip) Hill

Father: Unknown

Type: Guardian/Poison/Healer (year 347)

Mother has denied any further testing of the child. She exhibits signs of Phynic ability but has not been allowed to Bond with any Kira. Her single test type suggests she would Bond best with a Brig Kindon. However without proper knowledge of the child we do not know if her mental capacity will be able to handle the load. She has shown great abilities in hand to hand combat and command. While few of her classmates are willing to follow her orders the few that do tend to be placed in the area of battle where they would be of the most use.

Label: Lost Status: Protected Code Name: Not Yet Received

Command has decided that she will be left to grow and thrive on her own. The UPD would gladly welcome her with open arms to the ranks. If such a time should arrive that she wishes to join the UPD she will be given command of a small unit.

The UPD had taken great interest in my mate. Why? On her file Father: Unknown was circled in bright red ink. As well as the type section. I backed out of the file without looking into the health tab of her file. For some reason I already felt like I knew things that should come directly from my mate.

The next document that caught my attention was labeled 'Kira, Kegan, Kindon'. Ava had mentioned two of the three and her file had mentioned the third. What was the difference?

'Roughly three hundred and fifty years ago humans found a group of Kira. Over years of being exposed to the barely surviving race Humans were able to achieve Low Latency Telepathy. They proceeded to form a symbiotic relationship with the Kira. The Kira gave Humans companionship, protection, and they shared their strength. Humans gave the Kira survival.

Kira eggs require near constant contact with mental energy. Female and Male Kira were lucky to mange to hatch two of their clutch each season. Young Kira also require extensive supervision. As they will rush towards anything with brainwaves. There are only two surefire ways to keep them alive. The first lock them away until they outgrown their curiosity and impulsiveness. The other have someone with stronger mental strength teach them. That is what humans do. Since humans only spend a few years where they are fully protected by their parents even a young child can start developing mental fortitude.

The mental strength of humans allowed them to form 'Links' to the Kira and to each other. These Links are temporary mental pathways in which the person with stronger mental power could in theory control the one with weaker strength. However, since links are temporary they are easily broken. That's why every human warrior 'Bonds' with the beast they keep close. The Bond is permanent. While a human can link to dozens the kind of power it takes for one to Bond with more than six of any race is extremally mentally taxing. For that reason personality test began to become common place. This trend was continued with Kegan and later Kindon.

Once Humans Bonded with the Kira those same Kira lead their humans to the other two. They were even fewer in number. The Kegan of today only survive because Human women find them cute. Their combat power is minimal at best and while many can heal they can not heal enough to make them worthwhile to most warriors. Those who breed them often use them as a high class status symbol as each Kegan takes enough resources to raise seven or eight Kira.

Kindon on the other hand are beasts in every sense. They are bigger, stronger, and harder to tame. Some can even deny the bonding. There is some speculation that Kindon are the hybrid offspring of Kira and Kegan. Sadly there is no way to know for certain as DNA tests show all three share some common ancient ancestors but are distinctive.

Kindon are are the hardest to bond with. They also have the most mental capacity of the three breeds. Kindon are the dream of every child warrior unless that child does not want to be a warrior. For those who do not want to be warriors the Kegan would be a much better fit. The Kegan tend to be more of a healer or recon on the field.'

If Kindon were the best than that's what my mate would have. I scanned the files looking for one that detailed more about the Kindon. Sure enough closer to the bottom was one labeled Kindon. I clicked on it. I 3d image formed on my tablet. Clearly meant to be shown in a Hologram.

Even so a four legged beast with a horn on its nose was impressive. It had a wide chest and a straight back. Above the picture was the name Than Kindon. I scrolled down only to realize Than was the subspecies name. I went back to the top and looked at it more closely. The tail was stumpy, not much of a tail at all. Its ears were small. Sharp teeth gleamed under an unseen light and wicked claws curled from its paws.

Species: Kindon Sub:Than

Nicknamed the Reaper, Than often travel alone. These Kindon will kill anything it deems food or threat. While gentle enough with their Masters family unit they are never to be left unsupervised or they will kill.

Recommended for Hunter/Killer/Warmonger personality types

Traits: Increases strength, speed, Night vision, and sense of smell

Skills: Stalk, Execution, Track

Instead of reading them all I searched Brig. That was the one the the UPD thought would be a good match for my mate. My claw tapped the screen in my haste. My mate moved inside the nest. I froze and waited until she settled again. Once she did I looked back to my tablet.

The beast was much like the first except its presence demanded attention. The Brig was thick chested with a maned neck ruff. It's head was wide with an impassive stare. There was no horn on its nose. It's ears stood straight up with little tufts coming off the top. Each of its feet had a band of fluffy fur that reminded me of the arm bands my mate had worn. The was no tail. Simply a note that read 'Brig tails vary. Unlike most Kindon it is believed a large proportion of their looks comes from whoever hatches them.'

When the image began to move I realized every inch of the body under that fur was muscle. It rippled with every step. A pure warning not to challenge this animal. It wasn't going to go out of its way to hurt you but if you gave it a reason it would fight you. It would also probably win.

Species: Kindon Sub:Brig

Nicknamed the Wild Hunt, Brig are often peaceful creatures. In fact they are more likely to curl up with their Masters and nap than start a fight. These Kindon are known to have a fondness for young creatures to the point they will go out of their way to aid other species young. Despite that they can go from loving house pet into powerful protectors. Willing to put their lives on the line Brig Masters will leave they're children alone at home with the beast with complete peace of mind.

Recommended for Guardian/Healer personality types

Traits: Healthier young, Increases strength, speed, smell, hearing, and sight, faster healing, thicker skin, pain resistance, better gardening, and poison resistance

Skills: Call of wild, Stalk, Sacrifice, Bloodlust, Heart to heart, Sheld, Spawn

I left the documents and looked at the messages he had left me. To my shock the UPD had already sent several eggs. They were all untainted and unassigned. There were five Kira eggs, two Kegan, and three Kindon. All of which would arrive safely among my mates things. They were in stasis so they would not be affected by the travel. It also prevented the eggs from being tainted by anyone else. I sent a message to Vinic to get the builder to get started on a home for them close by the Jivka.