She had known something was coming when we had not. Had felt it on a level none of us could match. That something was wrong. Watching her try to get out of our nest was like watching a wild animal trying to flee incoming danger. A sixth sense that so few had until the danger was to close to escape. Her fear had coated my tongue and jolted me. Hunters did not question the survival instincts of other races.

That may one day save us. Many of my fellow Hunters had followed my Anima to deliver her sister to the UPD. She could have killed the girl in front of us and none of us would have faulted her for it. As my mate she was one of us. The things she had said in her rage. We had all watched as she was forced to flee her sister. The other human had been relentless in trying to harm my mate.

The girl had been so sure of herself until those beasts of hers had died. Her Kira. They had been smaller than I expected. Fierce fighters up until they were surrounded. After that the Jivka had no problem taking their lives. A fact Ava seemed unhappy about. As if the lost of those Kira meant more than her sister ever had. Maybe they did.

Seeing the Kira made me realize why people assumed they were the ancestors of the Kindon. They were furred with a nose horn. Their ears were triangular and flicked front to back. The three had been about the height of Ava maybe a bit taller. All of them an almost dirty grey, two with white spots and the other with white stripes. The tail was stumpy and I closely compared this Kira with the Than Kindon I had first seen in the document.

The similarities were startling until I looked closer. The Kindon had been thinner at the waist. The Kira had jointed toes like they may climb or grip. Kira had more fur making them appear bigger but at the right angle they all seemed like they staving. Moving the fur to the sides reveled ribs pressed tight against skin. Their teeth were flat like they were herbivores.

My mate sisters and Vinci had already been telling tales that she was a sweet, kind female. One unsure of herself around others. If her own sister had beaten her for years it was no wonder. I had nothing but love for this female. This small female who had kept her head in battle and won her fight. The anger she had turned on her sister had been anything but sweet. Certain parts of her body were twisted at an unnatural angel.

This human had sacrificed her Kira in her desire to harm my mate. This human had been my mate's older sister. This human had hurt my mate before. Many times before. If such a thing were to happen among the Asura... There would be a very public execution. Yet, none of us had stepped in. It was clear she had it under control and it was a good way to prove once more what she was. My mate was first and foremost a Warrior. She had proven twice now that she was a Warrior. My people would treat her as such and give her the respect her position afforded her. Not because she was my mate but because she had gotten everyone out. She had protected us. In her fear she hadn't been able to speak. I realized it. We all had. It wasn't uncommon in young untried Hunters. She had let herself sink so far into animal senses that there was only so much she could do to warn us all.

I looked down at this small female with nothing but adoration and care. She was mine. My warrior who had not yet become all she was meant to be. The UPD representative glared down at the other human. She was taller than my mate but clearly height meant very little among them. "Take her away!" The UPD female turned to us, "I am so sorry this happened. A through investigation will take place. Thank you for bringing her here. You would have been within your rights to kill her on site."

My Anima looked from me to the UPD in question. "The Asura kill their enemies. Normally on site. Anyone who comes to our land uninvited should be prepared to die. As you are one of us you are under those same laws." Her eyes widened at me. I could not help but smile at her. The UPD representative and guards looked at us in shock. It wasn't common for Asura to be kind. Let alone gentle. Even our females teaded to be brisk.

Ava turned toward the female, "Can I use your..." she looked towards all of us, "I really gotta pee," she said looking at the representative.

"This way," the representative said. Ava was quick to follow. I went to go with her but a guard called for me.

"What is it?"

"Your mate's things have arrived. We were gonna send them later today after you all woke up but as so many of you are here-"

"Bring it out we'll transport it." I tilted my head up and gave a series of hisses. My fellow hunters who were flying came down fast. The station guards moved as fast as they could. It would have been faster if they had simply let us carry the crates from the start. We wanted to surprise my Anima when she returned to Shaka. Unlike the guards in only took a single Asura to lift the crates. Three of the creates read 'this way up' and 'Stais creatures' on them. I had three Hunters to each of those crates. "Do not drop those!" I hissed, "We aren't likely to get another full set for Ava." They acknowledged the command and carefully flew with them. My fellow Hunters may not know what what was within but even so I stressed their importance. That was enough. I was sure once we returned home someone would ask what they were a set of.

By the time Ava came back out all her things as well as her mating gifts had already left ahead of us. All of them accompanied by hunter on both Jivka and in the air. Three of those crates were too specific to take cases with. She was chatting with the female UPD representative almost like they had known each other for weeks or months not mere minutes. I did not pay much attention to what they were saying. I probably should have but it seemed rude to listen in on the conversation of females.

Was it common for females humans make connections that fast? If so than would mean within a few days she would decide who she would keep close to her among the Clan. I would have to look into this once we returned back. Ava looked around before walking to me, "Where is everyone?"

"They went back to the Clan. I figured I would be enough to escort you home, Mate."

She gave me a smile, "I should hope so. Afterall my mate is a Great Hunter." She took my hand in hers and lead me back towards our Jivka. She had reached for me. I think the young male had already decided she was to be his rider. She hadn't commented on me calling her mate. She called me mate in return. Some of the fear she seemed to have for me was gone now. I smiled as we both mounted the Jivka and began our journey home. I was happy at the thought. Maybe I wouldn't have to wait a whole week before she would let me hold her inside our nest.

For the first time we moved slowly through the trees. I pointed out some of the local Flora and Fauna to her. Most of the animals here were peaceful. It shocked most people to find that out since my people tended to be so abrasive. My people weren't from here originally. We had settled here looking for more mates. We had found them but at the cost of our wings. The local race was far more peaceful than mine.

It had been an adjustment for my people. We had adapted. Now when we got the urge to fight we would seek out the UPD and join some war or a patrol for a time. Sometimes our mates came with us others stayed here awaiting our return. They normally came with if we were on a ship. It was a well known fact that our mates were the often only thing that would stand between us and harming a commanding officer. We took orders from our own just fine. Others we didn't trust, not so much.

Ava would likely go with me if she didn't make friends among the females of the Clan. She might even fight along side me. Part of me looked forward to it. Almost as much as I looked forward to the sight of her walking around with a swollen belly. I could almost imagine her on some cushioned seat one hand rubbing her belly the other petting one of her Kindon.