Aleksi was quiet. He stood there watching me as I mixed food for the little ones. The Kindon ate first, simply shoving the Kira out of the way. I knew I had made more than enough food for the Kindon and Kira. So I made myself busy by looking over my Kegan. The Cain should wake up soon. The first day after hatching was the most dangerous for Kegan hatchlings.

I did not want to admit that the talk with Gintya had shaken me but it had. There was a nagging feeling in the back of my mind that he may be right and I hated it. Using my ability may change me. That such a small thing would force the change to my match. I shook myself. No. I would not consider the possibility. I could not consider it. If I did I would have to admit just how much had changed from then to now.