Above me is starlight and beneath me is an attractive guy. It is so romantic that something immoral could have happened. Part I

'Are you really mad at me?'

My younger sister is currently at a cram school, which is the worst timing since that damn four-eyes (aka my older brother) was home around this time. This means sometimes there are only the two of us together.

'Hate would be a more suitable term.' I chopped a piece of pork with a knife. It was very brave of him to ask me while I was cooking. Was he not scared I might lose my mind and throw a knife at him? 'Aren't you aware that I don’t really like you? Our fujoshi sister may like you a bit because of your looks…huh, actually, she's just a big fan of guys who wear glasses. So don’t get ahead of yourself!'

'Hm.' His response did not indicate whether he understood or not. 'Our sister likes me because I wear glasses, but what about you…?'

'Jump off a twenty-story building first. If you survive, I'll love you. But if not, I'll shed tears for you.'