Something is known that, if told, would make things worse, but between hearing it directly from your mouth and learning it later, which is more painful?

As the thing I have just learned is too difficult for me to handle, in addition, this is not the first time I ask for the prince’s help. Finally, I transform myself into Gilbita, and go to Sal-emon’s room.

After climbing to a guy’s room, what I found is that he actually has a real girlfriend sitting in the room.

“The prince is taking a shower.”

The wizard turns to face me and tells me. His sentence implies that they are so close that they must be in the same room. But, of course, I do not think anything, not because I am generous, but I suspect something else.

“Are you not going to take a peek?” It is a bit surprising that this wizard, who is obsessed with the prince, sits still and does not go peek at him.

But the wizard gives me an offended look. “I'm not that psychotic!"

I feel repentant when she cries out. I am sorry for passing judgment on you so harshly, fujoshi!