Without an oath, there is only a request. Part I

"Would you like to cry on my chest?"

Salzaal said he had a headache in the morning and then came to meet me in his room at night. The prince claims that his head is hurting even more.

"Stupid, but what are you wearing?" He grumbles as he kicks me out of his bed.

Salzaal notices that I am dressed differently today than I am on other days. Both the white suit and the glasses, which make me look smarter (?). I crack a grin. "Of course, this is the doctor's outfit! However, you can see it as a teacher's uniform.”

“Why are you wearing this?”

“To heal your heart.”

“Hmph," the prince says with a smile before hitting me with the pillow. "What do you want? If there isn't anything, then leave. I want to be alone with my thoughts.”

“Salsal, come on. You don't want to be alone.” I laugh as I move closer to the prince, causing him to raise an eyebrow. "If it were back then, you'd want to be alone, but now you have me, so should you let me stay?"