25 new weapons

"This is the secret weapon I've developed! It's called a Revolver, which can fire six shots in one go without any need for cumbersome operations in between; you just need to pull the trigger... It's a powerful close-combat handgun," Tang Mo replied.

"A Revolver..." Tagg muttered subconsciously, looking again at the weapon in Tang Mo's hand, not knowing what to say.

He wanted to see the weapon, but didn't dare to make such a request, so he stood there, not knowing how to speak up.

"Hahaha! I looked pretty much the same when I first saw this thing," Dwarf Mathews laughed heartily, speaking to Roger beside him.

Roger shrugged his shoulders; he knew that Wes, who stood there pretending to be profound, had a similar reaction when he first saw the Revolver.

They were all astonished by the Revolver before them because it truly overturned the understanding of the era.