67 criminal civilians

When Tang Mo encountered the head of the Silver Fox Tavern, even he was startled by the other's appearance.

If Tang Mo's arrival in this world was an accident, then seeing the "Silver Fox" in front of him was an even greater surprise.

The other was an old man with a head of white hair, a beard, long facial hair, and a face covered with wrinkles.

He was hunched over, leaning on a cane that looked quite ordinary, followed by a burly man, whom Wes had told Tang Mo was known as the bartender.

Due to his frailty and hunched back, the old man seemed to be about the same height as Mathews; however, the two old men had a completely different presence.

Dwarf Mathews was strong. Though short, his build was broadly solid. But the old man before him just seemed to exude a sense of pure and straightforward frailty—the kind you'd associate with someone in their twilight years.