107 Accidents can happen anywhere

"I don't even know what kind of battle we're fighting here!" an exasperated Suthers general with a full beard slammed his military cap into his other hand.

He looked angrily at his left wing, which was on the verge of collapse, and cursed loudly, "Are you all stupid pigs? Are you all stupid pigs?"

Pointing at a legion that was near collapse, his angry voice made all the officers around him lower their heads, "A legion, overwhelmed by just 500 enemy troops, has lost three lines of defense! The Northern Ridge troops only number a third of ours, yet now it's we who are desperately defending and they who are attacking!"

"Did that guy Fisheo... actually take the initiative to attack... Did he figure out that our reinforcements are about to arrive?" the Suthers officer muttered to himself as he watched the distant collapsing defense line.