144 looking for the murderer

"Ha! You sure act fast." Tang Mo felt it was necessary to improve the intelligence system and the efficiency of the police force in this world.

Entrusting these matters to the military really was asking too much of them. These brave warriors might be adept at killing enemies on the battlefield, but dealing with these kinds of incidents was clearly outside their expertise.

He was almost amused by the sluggish reaction and extremely low efficiency of the Northern Ridge officers, not to mention their lackluster investigative and deductive skills.

"Let's go, take a look at the scene..." Tang Mo, his face grim, finally stood up and walked out of the room first: "Then... move that woman's body away... What's the use of leaving it here?"

In this era, forensic methods were very limited, and the crime scene had already been destroyed by the soldiers who had burst into the servants' resting room. They left a mess of footprints and had moved the dead maid onto a table.