148 Win-Win

The girl was very clumsy, pressing her lips against Tang Mo's, those cherry-like red lips blindly exerting force upon Tang Mo's mouth.

Tang Mo's eyes widened as he let the girl, in her foolish way, dedicate her inexperienced first kiss, like a precious treasure, to him.

Eventually, his hands, which were prepared to push the girl away, circled around to her back, he felt Alice's body shake slightly, then she hugged Tang Mo even more passionately, disregarding everything else.

Then, they just held each other, foolishly embracing like that. When Alice was cried out and her breathing became even, Tang Mo carried her back to bed.

When Tang Mo opened the door, his appearance was actually a bit indecent. His abdomen was soaked with a large wet patch from Alice's tears, and his coat was full of wrinkles.