164th Orc Prince

"General, the 17th Legion is about to collapse! The enemy's weapons are incredibly powerful! They're much better than Shireck's previous muskets! If they're defeated, our frontline defense will be breached!" an orc general clad in shining armor with a light-colored cloak over it said.

Facing the attack from the Poplar Kingdom, the orc Gales Kingdom's military seemed to be even more passive than before. Four of their legions had already been completely defeated, and one of their main forces was teetering on the brink.

The leading orc general remained silent, waiting, waiting for definite news from the troops on his flanks. The counterattack had to be effective in one strike or, once the elf race stabilized their ranks, the enemy's even sharper firearms would come into play.

Soon after, a black warhorse galloped from a distance, and an officer in the same military armor reined in his horse, slowing to a stop in front of the central command tent.