172 new round of offense

Qiumuluo stepped out of the big tent, took a couple of sniffs, and then glanced sideways at the space behind him, revealing a contemptuous smile on his face.

The mice on a ship are the first to know when it's going to capsize; the load-bearing walls are the first to know when a building is about to fall… Qiumuluo felt that Shireck now didn't seem to be the same Shireck who was once worth his submission.

Thus, he walked towards where Baron Stela's troops were stationed, passing through camps where Shireck's soldiers were busy with preparations for the impending battle.

In the distance, on the ground filled with corpses and craters, most of the Great Tang Group's soldiers were leaning against the edges of the trenches, closing their eyes to rest.

Their training had taught them to fall asleep quickly amidst the noisy battlefield environment but also to wake up in time when needed for combat.