The Turmoil of the 309 Cities

Negotiating peace is never an easy task, especially when the enemy has reached your doorstep. Treaties like the Pact of Chanyuan, those made under the city walls, and at Bianqiao Bridge... all were signed from a position of weakness.

Think about it, it's quite realistic: when someone has a cleaver at your neck and killing isn't considered a crime, who would willingly let it go so easily?

So, at such times, it's definitely a matter of paying up if you have money, giving away your daughter if you have one... As for having nothing, kneeling and calling out 'dad' twice surely isn't shameful.

After all, survival is what truly matters. The Song Dynasty managed to wear down the Liao with the Pact of Chanyuan, and the Tang Dynasty ensnared the Turks with the Pact of Bianqiao Bridge, because having a glimmer of hope is still having hope to some extent.

But when you're on the receiving end of a beating, negotiating peace with the enemy becomes an art of finesse.