The torture along the way on Route 404

Forcing an army to carry out a cross-sea operation is truly a torturous affair, as those who have never encountered the ocean are sure to suffer from seasickness.

This type of seasickness isn't just about feeling unwell; it also comes with exaggerated vomiting, loss of appetite, and in severe cases, it can greatly affect combat effectiveness or even endanger soldiers' lives.

The troops of the Great Tang Group lack such combat experience. Their furthest support operation only involved less than a battalion of troops, which was from Brunas to Hotwind Port.

The transport at that time, since it headed south along the coast, wasn't too harsh in terms of waves and turbulence, and with fewer people, the problem wasn't too severe.

This time, the expedition of the Great Tang Group is directly across the western part of the Endless Sea from Dragon Island, landing on Dongwan Island. This distance is about three times that of the previous support operation to Hotwind Port.