583 Tang People’s Extravagance

"To the King of the Shen Country, do not heed the slanderous words of the petty, lest you ruin the foundation built over a hundred years and err in the lives of millions of beings…" From the radio, the Tang Country's foreign affairs department was reading the letter from the Tang King to the King of the Shen Country.

Most of the civilians in Qi Country actually didn't feel any change in their lives—they were living the same daily routine, with the only difference being the additional crater holes that appeared near their doors a few days ago.

The war seemed to have ended quietly; in the vast majority of the lands of Qi Country, the common people didn't even hear the sounds of guns.

The progress of the Tang Army was so rapid that the previously planned, layered defense strategies to block their advance had become obsolete before being put into use.

And for the people inside Tang Country, the war seemed to have little to do with them.