749 A Different Test Flight_2


As the final few seconds ticked away, the previously tiny flight deck that loomed below had rushed up towards him, almost obscuring the entire ocean.

Caught off guard, Sun Rui felt his two main landing gears strike something, sending vibrations that made him grip his control stick tightly, his hair standing on end.

Despite his countless ground-based training drills, where he had grown accustomed to landing with the guidance of deck indicator lights and to taking off and landing on the small designated runway,

he had only thought his experimental project had something to do with some damned "short takeoff and landing experiment" and hadn't imagined that he would be taking off and landing on a ship equipped with a runway...

Those damned secrecy departments had only informed him a few days ago that, as one of the most outstanding pilots, he would participate in and complete the most confidential "aircraft carrier" plane takeoff and landing experiment.