The Super Fishing Rod Lives up to Its Name

Looking at the super fishing rod blueprint in his bag, Su Bai ran around the island excitedly and then stopped.

In the past three days, Su Bai didn't get any rare blueprints that he had never seen before. But luck seemed to have a cooldown time. Once the cooldown time was over, it would appear immediately.

"Hey System, make a super fishing rod!"

Used Rare Blueprint: Super Fishing Rod!

Materials Needed: Wooden Plank x 40, Silk Thread x 40, Iron Ore x 2, Bronze Ore x 1 

Materials fulfilled.

Crafting Super Fishing Rod…

Crafting Super Fishing Rod complete!

You've obtained a Rare Blueprint: Super Fishing Rod!

The super fishing rod appeared in his hand. Su Bai compared the appearance of a super fishing rod with a normal fishing rod. There wasn't much difference in appearance.

"Hey System, check the properties of the super fishing rod!"

Super Fishing Rod: No more failures during fishing. No miscellaneous items obtained during fishing, 50% chance of obtaining a Wooden Chest, 40% chance of obtaining a Bronze Chest, and 10% chance of obtaining a Silver Chest.

Su Bai felt that his happiness came too suddenly. The super fishing rod's appearance was an epoch-making sign.

Even without modifying the super fishing rod, the probability of Su Bai obtaining those treasure chests was already very shocking.

Su Bai, who possessed the Super Modifier skill, would naturally be dissatisfied with such a low probability and would undoubtedly modify it.

"Hey System, modify the super fishing rod!"


How do you wish to modify the Super Fishing Rod?

"Adjust the probability of obtaining wooden and bronze chests to 0%, and the probability of obtaining silver chests is 100%."


Modification is successful!

Super Fishing Rod: No more failures during fishing. No miscellaneous items obtained during fishing, 0% chance of obtaining Wooden Chest, 0% chance of obtaining Bronze Chest, 100% chance of obtaining Silver Chest (Maker: Su Bai)

After modifying the super fishing rod, its attributes of the super fishing rod were even more amazing.

Given the likelihood that the super fishing rod did not belong to the newbies, whoever saw it would have to exclaim that it was a divine item!

When Su Bai obtained a bronze chest before, he was secretly happy. After this, he'd be able to fish for silver chests.

It was truly an upgrade to a whole new level.

Used Rare Blueprint: Super Fishing Rod!

Materials Needed: Wooden Plank x 40, Silk Thread x 40, Iron Ore x 2, Bronze Ore x 1 

Materials fulfilled.

Crafting Super Fishing Rod…

Crafting Super Fishing Rod complete!

You've obtained a Rare Blueprint: Super Fishing Rod!

Very soon, the second super fishing rod was successfully crafted.

"Now that I have a super fishing rod, I can get rid of these normal fishing rods."

Su Bai's current thoughts were very simple. First, he would exchange for materials to make normal fishing rods with materials like drinking water and bread, and then he would increase the price to get more materials from other players.

At first, this seemed to be a very difficult task, but Su Bai only needed to move his fingers. The rest would be done by the system.

However, before that, the most important thing to Su Bai now was to open the silver chests that he had caught with the super fishing rod.

Silver Chest successfully opened: You've obtained Wooden Plank x 86!

Silver Chest successfully opened: You've obtained Mud x 92!

Silver Chest successfully opened: You've obtained Iron Ore x 9!

Silver Chest successfully opened: You've obtained Silver Thread x 78!

Silver Chest successfully opened: You've obtained Bronze Ore x 6!

Silver Chest successfully opened: You've obtained Blueprint x 4!

"That's a lot of stuff. The items that come out of the chests are more than double the original!"

After fishing for a while, Su Bai was deeply moved.

"Hey System, check the probability of the silver chest!"

Silver Chest: Each open gets 5 to 10 high-grade materials, 50 to 100 low-grade materials, or 3 to 5 rare materials.

From the looks of the data, the silver chest was obviously not something that would appear in the initial stage.

The ring's luck was the most likely reason for obtaining the super fishing rod blueprint.

If it wasn't for that luck, it would take Su Bai at least ten days to get the super fishing rod blueprint.

While Su Bai was still immersed in the joy brought by the super fishing rod, a friend sent him a message.

Li Tian sent [Su Bai, hurry up and take a look in the chat. There's suddenly an alliance and they're going against you!"

Su Bai was dumbfounded when he read that. He wondered, 'I had been fishing every day and putting items up for trade, but I didn't even chat. Why was there an alliance against me?'

Su Bai questioned, [Is it that Xu Xiangdong?]

Su Bai was so annoyed by Xu Xiangdong that when Li Tian said someone was going against him, Xu Xiangdong was the first one who came into Su Bai's mind.

Li Tian replied, [Erm... Although he was going against you every day, he was just talking. He didn't have the guts to go against you. It was a man called Meng Lin, his talent was B-level, and he had gathered many other players with B-level talent to form an alliance. Now they said they had found a way to make drinking water and were recruiting people everywhere, saying that your glory day was over.]

Su Bai replied, [Thanks, I'll go take a look now.]

That piece of information was important or not important to Su Bai. In Su Bai's eyes, these people were just a bunch of clowns.

Meng Lin had probably obtained a seawater desalinator, so he felt that he had the strength to challenge Su Bai.

Su Bai opened the Chat page.

Meng Lin commented, [Welcome to the Dark Night Alliance. If you join us, we can guarantee that you will have water to drink every day.]

As soon as Su Bai entered the chat, he saw that Meng Lin was promoting his alliance.

[That's right. If you join the Dark Night Alliance, as long as you can submit a certain amount of materials every day, you can exchange them for drinking water.]

[Huh? Why do I need to offer 50 wooden planks before I can join your Dark Night Alliance?]

Meng Lin replied, [My friend, I'm sure you don't know much about the Dark Night Alliance. Most of the talents in our alliance are above B-level, so it's normal for talents below B-level to offer some materials to join.]

[Guys, don't believe him. After I joined his alliance. I need to exchange 15 wooden planks for drinking water every day, which is more expensive than what Su Bai offered. If I want to quit now, he won't return the 50 wooden planks.]

Meng Lin commented [You can spew what you eat but not your opinions. Although we set the price at 15 wooden planks, it's so that you can have water to drink every day. You don't have to focus on the trade and fight for the limited drinking water every day.]

Su Bai opened the Trade page.

Item for trade: Normal Fishing Rod x 50. Condition: 1 Normal Fishing Rod for 80 Wooden Planks.

Item for trade: Normal Fishing Rod x 50. Condition: 1 Normal Fishing Rod for 80 Silk Threads.

Item for trade: Normal Fishing Rod x 50. Condition: 1 Normal Fishing Rod for 20 Iron Ores.

Then, Su Bai opened the Chat page.

Su Bai stated, [I guess you are all curious why I collected so many planks and threads. I made many normal fishing rods with these materials. I have put them up for trade. Anyone who needs them can buy some.]