I’m Not the Pirate, Right?

When Su Bai could see clearly again, he was already in the Shallow Sea. It wasn't that much different from before.

Su Bai's island was still surrounded by the boundless ocean.

But Su Bai suddenly noticed that there was a Map. option on the interface.

Looking at the new option, Su Bai naturally had to click on it to take a look.

Unlocking the Shallow Sea has gained the option to view the Map. Players can check their own location and the location of their friends based on the Map.

As Su Bai expected, there were two dots that appeared on the Map. One was his and the other was Meng Lin's.

After knowing the function of the Map, Su Bai couldn't suppress his inner emotions. He wanted to check if the treasure chest was different from the one he had been in.

After opening more than ten treasure chests, Su Bai gave up on his naive idea of his. The treasure chests would not change just because they were in a different location.

Meng Lin asked, [Su Bai, can you give me three more super fishing rods? I've discovered that after my Island was upgraded, I can use five fishing rods.]

Su Bai opened his Bag and used the blueprint. He then clicked on the trade button and confirmed the trade.

Su Bai didn't say a word during the whole process, afraid that Meng Lin would start a conversation.

Su Bai suddenly remembered that he had not expanded his island after upgrading it.

"Hey System, check the largest area expandable of the island."

The current island's largest expandable area is 50 x 50.

After knowing the largest expandable area of the island, Su Bai opened the Craft option and was ready to craft some mud.

When Su Bai opened the Craft option, he realized that there were more craftable items available inside.

Refine wooden plank, refine silk thread, refine iron, refine bronze, refine stone.

"I was wondering why I couldn't get these things. It turns out that they need to be crafted."

Refine Iron: 1 Refine Iron can be refined from 100 Iron Ores.

"Craft 10 refine iron and 160 pieces of land!"

After the crafting was successful, Su Bai used the pieces of land to expand the island area.

"I've finally gathered all the materials. Hey System, craft the Dracospring!"

Used Super Rare Blueprint: Dracospring

Materials Needed: Iron Ore x 1,000, Bronze Ore x 1,000, Refine Iron x 10. 

Materials fulfilled.

Crafting Dracospring…

Crafting Dracospring complete!

"Hey System, check the properties of the Dracospring!"

Dracospring: One of the ten famous swords in Ancient China. Increases the user's attack power by 10%. After two combos, there is a 5% chance of releasing the sword's aura. After the sword aura is used in a combo, there is a chance of releasing armor-piercing damage.


Do you wish to modify the Dracospring?

I wonder if I can modify the attack power. The system will modify the attack power to 100% and the probability of releasing the sword aura to 100%.


Modification successful.

Dracospring: One of the ten famous swords in Ancient China. Increases the user's attack power by 100%. After two combos, there is a 100% chance of releasing the sword's aura. After the sword aura is used in a combo, there is a chance of releasing armor-piercing damage.

The sudden happiness almost made Su Bai faint.

Su Bai had wanted to give it a try, but he didn't expect that he could really change his attack power. Didn't that mean that his attack power would be directly multiplied by two?

With that sword, Su Bai felt that it would not be a problem even if he encountered some threats on this Map.

After upgrading the island and making weapons, the next step was to continue crafting stats elixirs.

Since he was not in any danger, Su Bai took his time and ate five or six at a time.

Meng Lin texted, [Su Bai, I found a Super Rare Blueprint. Please take a look!]

After that, Meng Lin opened the trade window and placed the newly obtained blueprint on it.

Su Bai didn't need the machete anymore, so he just put it on to trade with Meng Lin.

After the deal, Su Bai got a super rare blueprint.

Super Rare Blueprint: Warship

Materials Needed: Wooden Planks x 10,000, Silk Threads x 10,000, Refine Wooden Planks x 100, Refine Iron x 100. 

Can be used to craft a Warship.

Su Bai was a little confused by the warship blueprint that suddenly appeared.

It was not that Su Bai had not thought about traveling on the sea before, but the sea was unpredictable, and without a good ship, it was impossible to go into the water.

Now that Su Bai had this warship, he could take a trip to the sea.

But Su Bai soon thought of a problem, 'Since I had found the warship blueprint, did it mean that there would be enemies on the sea?'

"I don't care. I'll craft one first."

Fortunately, Su Bai had sufficient materials. After crafting some refine wooden planks and refined iron, the warship could be crafted.

Used Super Rare Blueprint: Warship

Materials Needed: Wooden Planks x 10,000, Silk Threads x 10,000, Refine Wooden Planks x 100, Refine Iron x 100. 

Materials fulfilled.

Crafting Warship…

Crafting Warship completed!

After the crafting was completed, the warship appeared in Su Bai's Bag. He took out the warship and put it on the shore.

Su Bai was quite satisfied with this huge warship and he felt great after sailing on the sea.

The warship's operation was very simple. Su Bai didn't need a group of sailors to control the ship. He only needed to control the direction of the ship and it could sail freely on the sea.

Su Bai was having fun. There was an AFF system on the island and he didn't have to worry about the fishing stops. He might as well have a good time on the sea.

After sailing for half a day, Su Bai found an island. But after observing for a long time, he didn't see anyone.

To be on the safe side, they did not land on the island but chose to return.

Su Bai didn't return to his island until evening.

Meng Lin texted, [Su Bai, there are other people here. I saw someone asking for help in the chat in the Shallow Sea. He said that a pirate had passed by him.]

Su Bai also opened the Chat page.

[Is anyone there? Can anyone see it? Why isn't there a single person here?]

It was filled with complaints, and only the latest news was a request for help.

[Is there anyone here? Can you come and help me? A pirate ship just passed by.]

Meng Lin asked, [A pirate ship? Did they attack you?]

[Not yet, but they stopped near me for a long time. I suspect they went back to find more companions.]

Meng Lin replied, [Just wait, I'll ask my friend for help.]

[Okay, you have to be quick. These pirates might come at any time.]

Su Bai was speechless when he saw that. He didn't even understand what was going on, and Meng Lin had already agreed on his behalf.

At that moment, Su Bai could only ask about the situation with the idea of helping each other.

Su Bai texted, [Hello, can you tell me how many pirates there are?]

[I don't know either. Their ship is really big. I watched it from my room. I didn't dare to go out.]

When the person mentioned that, Su Bai vaguely felt that he might have been discovered when he was driving the warship around during the day.

However, after thinking about it carefully, his warship didn't look like a pirate ship. that person might have made a mistake.

Su Bai replied, [I can't help you in this case. I have a machete and ghillie armor. You can use them.]

After that, Su Bai closed the chat and put up the machete and the ghillie armor for exchange. The condition was set for one wooden plank, which meant it was a free gift.