Those Poor Pirates

Tian Yu was in a very good mood today. She had been prepared for Su Bai's rejection this morning.

However, Su Bai came to Tian Yu's rescue, and he also kept his promise and arrived on her island.

Fortunately, Su Bai had come in time. Otherwise, Tian Yu would not have been able to deal with this wave of pirates.

Besides, Tian Yu had no idea where Su Bai got the meat from. She hadn't eaten it for a long time and could finally have some meat now.

However, there was one very embarrassing thing. Perhaps it was because Tian Yu had not seen another player for too long. Today, she was not able to speak very smoothly, and she often said the wrong things.

Su Bai just sat at the back and watched Tian Yu work quietly. He did not know how to cook a meal, he only knew how to make sure the food was cooked.

As time passed, the room was filled with fragrance.

Su Bai had obtained these daily necessities when he was fishing, but he thought they were useless and threw them away. He didn't expect Tian Yu to turn something ordinary into something magical.

Tian Yu said, "Alright! It's time to eat!"

Tian Yu brought the dish over as she said that. The dish was very simple and there were no other side dishes, only meat.

"Try it. It should be pretty good. I tried a piece when I was making it just now." said Tian Yu.

Su Bai, who was already hungry, picked up the chopsticks and started eating.

Tian Yu was the opposite, she ate slowly.

Fortunately, there was plenty of meat; otherwise, Su Bai wouldn't have left any for Tian Yu.

The meal was finished quickly due to Su Bai's fast eating. They both took a bottle of drinking water after the meal.

The two of them looked at each other and smiled, then they drank from the water bottle.

After lunch, Su Bai suggested plundering on the pirate's ship, and Tian Yu agreed without hesitation.

It was a pirate's ship, and all the things they had robbed were on it.

However, when the two of them arrived at the warehouse on the pirate's ship, they were dumbfounded.

There was nothing inside. It was completely empty.

"They should at least give me some compensation! Why isn't there anything?" Su Bai looked at the empty warehouse and said weakly.

"M-Maybe they've hidden their things. Don't pirates always have a place to hide their treasures?" said Tian Yu. She thought for a moment and added, "Besides, they won't have anything good. They're all dressed in rags."

Even though she said that Tian Yu was still a little disappointed.

"Since there's nothing else, I'll head back home now," said Su Bai.

"You're right, you still have to go back and continue fishing. I've delayed your time for a day because of me," said Tian Yu.

"It's a small matter. Not many people come to the Shallow Sea. It's only right to help each other." Su Bai comforted.

Su Bai's words warmed Tian Yu's heart. This was what a leader should be like!

After saying goodbye, Su Bai boarded the ship to go back to his island.

After sailing for a while, Su Bai looked back and found Tian Yu still standing on the shore.

It was as if Tian Yu realized that Su Bai was looking back and waved her hand.

In fact, Su Bai didn't want to go back, but since he arrived at Tian Yu's Island, the AFF seemed to have stopped automatically.

While Su Bai was at sea, he would still get a golden chest, but after he landed on Tian Yu's island, it stopped.

As Tian Yu was beside Su Bai, it was not appropriate to ask the system directly.

The fewer people who knew about the AFF, the better.

"Hey System, what happened to the AFF?"

Due to the current sea region's restrictions, players can not develop on other players' islands. The AFF will be deactivated automatically after landing on other islands.

"I was just helping her! I'm not going there to develop!"

Apologies, the system can't determine the real intention. So as long as you land on other people's islands, it will be treated as a development.

Su Bai knew that he could not reason with the system because there was no need for that. It was just a little assistant and could not handle this problem.

"Hey System, activate the AFF.

Activation failed. Please activate it on the island.

This time, Su Bai was completely speechless. It seemed like he couldn't go to other people's islands casually in the future.

Today was considered a fast day. Otherwise, this back-and-forth trip would delay his great cause of development.

For some reason, Su Bai suddenly thought of Tian Yu's appearance along the way.

Su Bai thought of the awkward explanation Tian Yu gave him when they first met, and the excitement she had when she saw meat.

Although they had only spent a little more than an hour together, it was the happiest hour Su Bai had had since he came to this world.

Thinking of that, Su Bai texted Tian Yu, [Next time, let me know in advance if you are in danger. Also, you have to improve your strength. It takes some time for me to reach your island.]

Tian Yu replied, [I know. You're so considerate!]

Su Bai texted, [Since you've come to the Shallow Sea. But why do I feel like your power was just average?]

Tian Yu replied, [Actually, it's not that. It's just that I'm really not good at fighting and killing. I still have some combat power. My current combat power is already over 100, but it doesn't match my skills. Hehe. After all, I really don't know how to fight.]

Su Bai replied, [I see…]

Tian Yu added, [That's not the main point. You were in a hurry just now and I forgot to ask. What's with that sword of yours? Why is it so powerful? There's also the sword's aura. With a whoosh, it directly split those pirates in half.]

Su Bai explained, [This sword is called Dracospring. It's the reward for being first place on the leaderboard. When attacking, there's a chance to trigger the sword's aura.]

Tian Yu texted, [A ranking reward? That makes sense, but I'm not even in the top ten, I'm so pitiful!]

Su Bai replied, [No way! If you're not in the top 10, how did you get here? Don't you only get the island upgrade cores by killing the Oanneses?]

Tian Yu replied, [Huh? Killing Oanneses? You think too highly of me. How can I possibly defeat an Oannes? This is something I got from opening a silver chest. Don't tell me that all your fragments were obtained from killing Oanneses! So powerful! Everyone else is hiding from the Oanneses!]

Su Bai wasn't used to the sudden praise. Although many people praised him before, they were all men.

This was different, this was a living girl. Su Bai felt his heart beating fast when he read her words.

Su Bai replied, [It's okay. They came to me. I can't just fight back.]

Tian Yu asked, [Then can I ask what your current combat power is? I'm just curious. I don't mean anything else.]

Su Bai replied, [About 240 now.]

Su Bai replied without thinking. He didn't even think about hiding it.

Tian Yu replied, [Wow! Wow! Wow! It was so high! It's more than double my strength!]

Su Bai replied, [Alright, I have to stop here for now. I still need to head back to my island.]

Tian Yu replied, [Okay. Let me know that you got back safely. Even though you won't be in any danger.]