Vanda's Divination

The unlucky Bill and the others still did not know that they had taken the blame for Victor King. Fortunately, he had prepared many props. Now that the situation was dangerous, facing the pursuit of the Nine Netherworld Black Python, he could only throw them all out.

These were all top-grade items bought from the market at a high price!

The black lightning fire exploded on the Nine Netherworld Black Python's body. Sparks flew one after another, causing many scales to fall.

The Thunderfire Bomb created by the Master of Smelting and Forging, as well as the scroll containing the power of a Great Mage, were all used in both attack and defense.

Some of the items were originally intended to be used in the level 30 Secret Realm, but now he could only reluctantly take them out.

The cost of this trip to the Secret Realm was too high. Even if the Herbert family had the resources, they could not afford to spend so much.

However, there was no other way. At this critical moment, everyone was desperately resisting. With the support of various props, they did not die in the snake's mouth. However, this action undoubtedly angered the Nine Netherworld Black Python even more.

There was a coldness unique to snakes in the beast's eyes, which almost made people shudder.

The annoying little bug had not only stolen its egg, but now that it had done such a thing. The Nine Netherworld Black Python roared at the sky. Its body suddenly swelled up, and its scales became even sharper, like sharp blades that were about to be unsheathed.

Bill suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Fall back quickly!"

A terrifying pressure descended on everyone's heads, like an insurmountable mountain. It was so heavy that almost everyone could not breathe.

Both the Nine Netherworld Black Python's strength and size were growing rapidly. A huge shadow fell in front of everyone, covering the sky and the sun, as if the God of Death had descended.

It was indescribably huge.

If they could still resist before, at this moment, no one could think of resisting at all.

Bill's teeth were chattering as he decisively said, "Let's leave the Secret Realm!"

Even if they were unwilling, Bill knew that the Nine Netherworld Black Python in front of them was no longer something they could deal with. If they continued to stay, he was afraid that everyone would die. This was not a joke.

A white light flashed, and the Nine Netherworld Black Python's bloody mouth was already close at hand. Its sharp fangs were about to touch everyone, and they felt as if they were about to touch their skin. They could also vaguely smell a stench.

Looking at the disappearing crowd, the Nine Netherworld Black Python let out an angry roar. The surrounding trees were uprooted, and even the birds in the forest were startled.

Far away in the north of the Gloom Forest, Victor King and Abigail seemed to have sensed something. They looked at the sky and saw countless birds circling. It seemed that something had happened, but they did not take it to heart.

On the other side.

Bill and the others left the Secret Realm in a sorry state. Everyone fell to the ground and panted heavily.

It was simply a race against the Grim Reaper. They were just a little bit away from being swallowed by the Nine Netherworld Black Python. The fangs of the Nine Netherworld Black Python almost grazed past their skin. When they thought of the scene just now, everyone felt a lingering fear and goosebumps appeared.

"This is too dangerous. I feel like I'm about to die in the snake's mouth."

Before this, they had already mentally prepared themselves. A level 20 dungeon might be a little difficult, but with their ability, they could barely cope with it.

However, who would have thought that they would encounter such a big accident? The appearance of the Nine Netherworld Black Python had forcefully raised the difficult mode to the level of nightmare.

It was likely that it had already become the Nine Netherworld Black Python's meal.

They had not killed many monsters this time, and they had not even dropped anything. They had even lost a lot of precious materials and scrolls. It could be said that they had lost everything.

The Herbert family and the others all had ugly expressions on their faces.

Bill seemed to have thought of something. "I wonder how Abigail is doing."

Victor King and Abigail had left the main group. It was impossible for the two of them to explore the Gloom Forest alone. They might have already left the Secret Realm.

Bill looked at the team panel and was a little surprised. "How could this be?!"

They had entered the Secret Realm as a team before, and now that the two of them had left the team, the status of 'already left the team' was displayed on the screen. Most importantly, they were still in the Secret Realm.

He could only see the general situation on the team panel, but he did not know their exact location and status.

"They're still in the Secret Realm."

Not only Bill, but the rest of the team was also surprised.

Even if Abigail had displayed extraordinary strength earlier, she still had a burden with her. No matter how he looked at it, these two people should not be able to hold on for long.

If they deliberately avoided the monsters, they could barely survive.

Some high-level Secret Realms contained precious materials inside. If they could pick them, it would be a good harvest. Perhaps they wanted to collect things in the Gloom Forest, so they did not come out immediately.

That was what the Herbert family thought, but they did not know that Victor King and Abigail were like fish in water in the Secret Realm.

If they knew that Victor King had obtained a lot of materials, their eyes would be red with envy.

"These two people are really lucky. We were chased by the Nine Netherworld Black Python until we were about to die, while they didn't meet the python. In the end, they were lucky."

If Victor King and the others were to face the python, they might not even be able to last one round.

Since Bill knew that Abigail was still in the Secret Realm, he had no intention of leaving. He still wanted to wait for her to come out.

They thought that Abigail would not be able to hold on any longer, but they did not expect that after waiting for a long time, the two of them still did not come out. They suddenly felt a little strange.

"That's not right. They should have come out by now. Could it be that something happened to them?"

Both of their names were lit up. If they died, they would turn gray.

Bill was worried about Abigail, so he walked up to an old man. "Master Vanda, please perform a divination for the current situation."

Vanda's level was not high, but Bill was polite to him. It was because his Class was a Support class, and it was the kind that had a special hidden ability: Seer. 

Vanda was unwilling because he did not want to waste his divination on this. However, he had no choice but to agree to Bill's request.

He slowly stretched out his hand, and a magic array was faintly visible. At the same time, Vanda closed his eyes and chanted an ancient spell.

"I can feel it…"

A pair of scarlet eyes appeared in his mind, bringing with it a powerful pressure. Vanda opened his eyes, his expression changed slightly, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

Everyone was shocked. It was just an ordinary divination. How could it turn out like this?

Vanda could not believe it. "It's them! It was these two people who angered the Nine Netherworld Black Python!"