VICTORIA WOKE UP stiff with what the reverend had said about the Brotherhood of the Serpent and wanted to seek more knowledge about them.

— How are you feeling?

— I'm fine, you can be sure, I'm a Hulmann, nothing can stop me from reaching our objective — she said smiling — did they send any news?

— Not for now.

— Then let's do our part and research everything we can about this Brotherhood of the Serpent.

— IT IS NOT LIKELY that you had heard anything about the Brotherhood of the Serpent — said Matheo Rossi stiffly with the question — In fact, very few scholars know anything about them, since they are more ancient adepts than any existing society. To begin with, Enlil is an ancient Sumerian deity who was worshiped for a long time by a small group of priests, as the gods of their pantheon, unlike other cultures, were not omnipotent. On several occasions they were persecuted by priests of other, more important deities. According to some studies of history, Enlil was the god of evil in Babylon. And their worshipers were known as the Brotherhood of the Serpent.

Rossi remained attentive:

— And what is the possible relationship of this god Enlil and his priests in a human sacrifice?

— You see — continued Rossi — these priests of Enlil, though powerful, were in the minority. And because of their bloody practices, there was a custom among them to sacrifice people. They were severely persecuted by some pharaohs. So they created a secret society so they could continue their practices. This society became known in antiquity as the Brotherhood of the Serpent. It is a hermetic society, totally occult and very powerful, dedicated to black magic.

— How did they resist the chase? — Victoria asked.

— The way found was to spread to other societies at the time. The Brotherhood of the Serpent took their secret knowledge to powerful priests of great civilizations such as Babylonia and Phoenicia and even to the Jewish people, then forming a supranational secret society, which provided its members with riches, power and fabulous occult knowledge.

That was a repercussion that Victoria really took with care.

— These empires had their glory days, but then they disappeared. The Brotherhood of the Serpent, however, using this artifice, survived and grew stronger over the centuries, even reaching the West through the Knights Templar.

— The Knights Templar?! — Victoria was astonished.

— Yes! According to scholars, the Brotherhood of the Serpent brought into their secret society the main leaders of the Knights Templar. They saw that the future lay with the West, and so they infiltrated an organization backed by the Vatican itself. However, the Brotherhood of the Serpent progressed a lot when they were hidden by the Templar mantle, accumulating many treasures and lands in Europe, thus causing the distrust of some European monarchs. One of them, the French king Philip the Beautiful, infiltrated the Templar organization with one of its secret agents, who ended up discovering, after a thorough investigation, the terrible practices developed by the Templars in worship of gods like Set and Enlil.

Victoria remained attentive to Matheo Rossi's words, but a doubt assailed her:

— You said the Templars were accused of the terrible practices involved in worshiping the gods Enlil and Set. As far as I know, history records that they were accused of worshiping the Devil!

The professor listened carefully and then picked up a folder that was on a table beside him and handed it to her. Victoria opened it and her eyes fixed on a black page, with the text in red, visibly taken from the Internet:


Luciferian Adoration

Victoria looked at Matheo astonished:

— Lucifer is Enlil?

Rossi smiled at her.

— Not just Lucifer, but also Satan, Samael, the Great Serpent, the Prince of Light, the Devil, the Great Star and many other names that refer to the same entity, this is called syncretism in academia.

— The change of name, but not of customs.

— Roughly yes, but it would be more an adaptation to the customs and cultures of a particular region, culture or even religion.

Rossi, then connected all the dots:

— Does that mean, then, that the boy was about to be sacrificed in a satanic ritual promoted by an ancient secret society, which was persecuted in antiquity and in the Middle Ages and which remains hidden and active until today?

— Exactly!

— But after all, what is your purpose?

— Tell me something, Victoria, are you a religious woman?

— Not as much as I should, but I believe in an omnipotent being in the universe.

The teacher smiled.

— For thousands of years, all cultures, or almost all, have celebrated with the blood of an animal or human being.

— Not so much these days.

— Nowadays more than ever, Victoria, what is celebrated in Catholic masses and Protestant services.

Suddenly, the penny dropped.

— The blood and flesh of Jesus...

— So it is...