— WHAT HAPPENED? — Asked Nicole Hulmann when returning to the hotel suite after a tour of the tourist sites of Rome, and after verifying the discouragement of the priest.

Victoria then looked at Greg who said:

— The password that we thought would give access to the individual vault of the Stock Exchange's Custody Bank, where the gold book is supposedly located, was not confirmed. According to Victoria, one digit is missing. The password must contain eleven characters. There must be something in this riddle that we don't notice, some detail that significantly alters our perception. Perhaps something so simple that we haven't even considered it.

Nicole was overcome with frustration:

— But it has to be Michelangelo's Moses! — And as for the date, what else would it be if not the year of the inauguration? I cannot see another possibility.

— Don't worry about it, we'll figure it out — I have a feeling we're on the right track. Very soon we will find the book...

— That's just a matter of patience!

— Like I said, there must be some detail we overlooked. Now go to your room and rest! Tomorrow we will continue.