THE ARMORED MERCEDES driven by an agent of the Israeli secret service stopped in front of the main synagogue of the tribe of Benjamin. Two security guards got out and, attentive to everything that was happening around them, opened the back door of the heavy S 600, thus allowing a young man with black clothes and a long beard who identified himself as an ultra-Orthodox Jew, to leave the vehicle and quickly climb the forty degrees that gave access to the interior of the religious heart of one of the twelve tribes that made up the Israelite nation.

On his wrist was a small high-resistance steel chain which, linked to a black leather case, reinforced the care given to the information that the priest had promised to protect with his life.

— Shalom — said the newcomer with satisfaction, bowing reverently when he found himself inside the synagogue, with three elders who, seated in the highest part of the temple, were examining an ancient copy of the Torah.

— Shalom — the oldest of the elders replied, raising his eyes — how was your journey?

— Everything went as planned.

— Did you bring the exam?

— Yes!

— And the remains of our beloved king?

— They're here with me, Rabbi!

— May the Lord be praised! — exclaimed Rabbi Yousef Ben Yeshua, while with a tiny key that he carried with him, he removed the briefcase from the wrist of the man who had the privilege of transporting it.

The man once more bowed to the priest.


— Go in peace, my son! — Said the Rabbi.

After seeing the young religious leave, Yousef Ben Yeshua then turned to the elders who accompanied him and, in silence, they passed to a room attached to the synagogue. Opening the suitcase and taking out a small silver container, Yeshua handed it to one of the elders who reverently went back into the synagogue. Tears welled up on the old priest's stern face.

Forgive me, Lord, for this outrage, but it was done for the glory of Israel.

A tremor ran through the body of the ultra-Orthodox Rabbi as his eyes fell on a small sealed envelope with the crest of the Institute of Sciences of the University of Brussels. Before the expectation of the other elder, Yeshua, opened it. There was only one sheet, also stamped, from the Brussels Institute, with the following inscriptions:

Sample exam:


Comparative exam:



Degree of compatibility between the DNA of the sample and the comparison: 99.98%

— Blessed be the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel remembered his people! said Yousef Ben Yeshua, his face in tears, falling to his knees.

— The glory of the House of David will be restored. Soon, God will reveal the Messiah to the world! — exclaimed the other Rabbi, kneeling beside Yeshua.