— That's right, Victoria — continued Messina — the man of the pentagram, or the quintessential enlightened one. — For members of the theosophical occult movement it is Maitreya or Christ of the New Age, the man with the spirit of the star of Venus! The fifth element, integrator of all, under the spirit of Lucifer!

Joseph Messina smiled and then continued:

— Now let's go back to the 32nd degree of the Masonic order. What the thirty-second degree reveals, by the conjugation of its numbers in harmony with its own title, is the union between man and Lucifer, the six and the five, in a perfect harmony of Luciferian illumination. Now, if we exchange the position of the elements that form the title of Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret, we will have the reaffirmation of this truth, otherwise we will see


— In other words, concluded the Cardinal, the great Masonic secret is exactly what the Royal Prince is waiting for.

— But this is just fantastic, Your Eminence! — said Victoria — I could never have imagined something similar. The great Masonic secret, hidden with extreme care, for hundreds of years, so magnificently covered in the nomenclature of the second highest degree of this secret order!

— There is, however, one thing that worries me — Messina said, running her eyes over the text of the Masonic prayer.

— What worries you, Eminence? — Victoria asked, sensitive to Joseph Messina's state of deep reflection.

— In the Gnostic conception, derived from the ancient Egyptian-Babylonian philosophy from which the Masonic doctrine originates, a relativization of concepts predominates. For the ancient Manichean priests of Chaldean Zoroastrianism, both good and evil had the same face of a single reality. This concept can even be glimpsed in modern existentialist philosophies, so in vogue today due to the influence of the Brotherhood of the Serpent. In them, the good and the bad depend on the personal vision of each individual. Based on this conceptual relativization of the positive and the negative, the character of the absolute is lost, binding each individual to their unipersonal belief, stripped of uniformity and even of a common language to the whole.

— What do you mean? — Victoria asked, appearing confused with the concepts enunciated by the scholar.

— What I mean, my dear, is that if we look at Masonic prayer from this perspective — that of the particular vision of a specific group, in this case, the initiates within Freemasonry, in the Babylonian and secret arts and mysteries — that language and this statement takes on a totally different meaning than it appears to declare for us, who come from a Judeo-Christian culture!

— So, for those initiated into the occult, this Masonic prayer does not refer to the original sin described in the Bible? — Asked surprise with the revelation made by Joseph Messina.

— That's what I'm trying to say. When the first magicians, still in the antediluvian period, tried to establish the Luciferian kingdom on Earth, a great catastrophe, the flood, destroyed all possibilities for the ancient — anointed guardian cherub — to effectively rule over the human race. The sin of prayer means not the fall of Adam and Eve, but the crime perpetrated by the Creator himself in destroying, at the time, Lucifer's pretensions! If we analyze the works of the great Freemason Richard Pike, we will see that he considers Lucifer as God, in the same stature as Adonai, the Jesus of Christendom. From this we can conclude that, when in the Masonic prayer the priest pronounces the words:

"...may divine grace guide us and assist us in building a second temple of reform, in which its glory may be greater than that of its predecessor";

— He is referring to Lucifer's help so that the initiates can establish the existing Novus Ordo Seculorum on the signet of the United States, which is nothing but the attempt to rebuild that ancient esoteric kingdom that was destroyed by God at the beginning of time!

— And this Luciferian kingdom will be headed with the help of the Brotherhood of the Serpent, infiltrated in the secret organizations by the true Royal Prince, that is, the Antichrist himself!

— And who will be the Antichrist? — Victoria couldn't contain herself.

Joseph Messina shrugged.

— Here's the big question, unfortunately I still can't answer!