— WHAT? — ASKED THE CARDINAL, surprised, turning to the young woman — do you have an idea how to interpret this map?

— Yes — Nicole confirmed — I have an assumption that I believe may be correct.

— And which one is it? the woman asked.

— Remember our trip to Egypt?

— Yes — confirmed Victoria, after all, that had been the first trip after the terrible accident in which she was paraplegic —, but what does that have to do with the map?

Nicole continued:

— When we flew over Cairo, the capital of Egypt, I, who had never seen such a starry night, was surprised by that spectacle of the sky studded with luminous points.

— I remember — her mother confirmed — but I still don't understand how this could have anything to do with the map.

— It's just that I have a theory — continued the young woman. — From what the parchment has revealed to us, this book was prepared by the devil himself, a being that although evil, is also immortal, isn't it?

— Yes — the Cardinal confirmed — that's what the parchment tells us.

— Well then — Nicole continued — if the devil is an immortal being, destined to live century after century, millennium after millennium, I presume that his writing was also special writing...

— A special script?

— Yes, a writing different from human, a writing based on a language, let's say, in a certain way eternal!

— I can't understand, daughter — complained the woman —, that doesn't exist, there is no knowledge of a language that is eternal!

The young woman's eyes sparkled.

— You're wrong, Mom, that's where I come back to that night when we flew to Cairo, remember what you told me about how easy it was to observe the stars at night in the Middle East? It was there that astrology was born, and with it a great development of the occult sciences. If we were to make a map that was destined to last for eternity, how should we proceed?

— We would use the stars! Green exclaimed, recognizing the young woman's logic.

— Exactly! — She confirmed.

— A map traced by the guidance of the stars! murmured the Cardinal. — That's impressive!

— That's what I believe — replied Nicole. I verified the influence of the stars on ancient civilizations. Well then, this astrological map that we have here in the golden book, from what I studied and remember now, is nothing more than the representation of the constellation of Orion!

— Orion Constellation? Are you sure? — Asked the perplexed Cardinal, dropping into a chair.

— Yes, replied the young woman, look at the three...

— Orion... — stammered the Cardinal — the mystery is explained!

— What mystery? — Asked Victoria and Nicole at the same time.

— The mystery of the pyramids — continued the Cardinal. — For centuries, scholars around the world have tried unsuccessfully to uncover the mystery surrounding the construction of the great pyramids. Why, after all, were they built? True marvels of engineering, the pyramid of Giza, for example, when finished had a height of 145.75 meters, with an angle of inclination of 54.54 degrees, on a base of 229 meters, with an error of just 0.1%, that is, forming a perfect square. We in the Vatican have always known that these monuments on the Giza plateau were built even in the pre-flood period, probably with the help of superior science, with knowledge provided by the fallen angels who followed Lucifer. Many investigations were made involving the most varied sciences, and one thing that always left us astonished, however, without ever discovering its true meaning, was exactly that: the reason for its connection with the constellation of Orion!

— Is there a relationship between the pyramids of Egypt and the constellation of Orion? — Victoria asked, astonished.

— Not all the Egyptian pyramids, but only three that are on the Giza plateau — confirmed the Cardinal.

— Has what you are telling us been proven? — Green asked.

— Yes — continued Joseph Messina — this has been proven through astronomical studies. Engineers, the first researchers to examine these magnificent buildings, were baffled by the way they were arranged on the Giza plateau. The three great pyramids, contrary to what was expected due to the high degree to which Egyptian geometry had reached, do not obey a perfect alignment with each other: the pyramid of Men-Kau-Rá, also known as the pyramid of Khafre, distorts in its alignment the other two, Kheph Ra, Khufu, respectively known as Cheops and Menkaure. These two have their diagonals aligned. The most interesting thing was when we discovered that, contrary to being an error, this arrangement of the pyramid of Men-Kau-Rá was the unequivocal demonstration of superior knowledge.

— Does the layout of this pyramid demonstrate superior knowledge? — Asked Green surprised — how?

Joseph Messina smiled.

— This is exactly the reason for my surprise to learn that the secret map in the Golden Book is a representation of the constellation Orion. Cheops, Chephren and Menkaure were laid out in such a way that their construction faithfully represented the same constellation. Contrary to what was thought by the first scholars, there is no mistake, but an interest in copying the same arrangement of the stars in the constellation of Orion here on Earth. But until now, we didn't know why.

— My God! — exclaimed Victoria —, that means then that the construction of the pyramids of Giza is linked to the Tree of Life!

— To be more exact, Victoria — said Joseph Messina —, the construction of these three pyramids, by representing on Earth the disposition of this celestial constellation, is directly related to the place where the Tree of Life was hidden...

JOSEPH MESSINA WAS PREPARED to conclude his reasoning when a knock at the door interrupted him.

It was Lisandro Martin.

— Your Eminence, I'm sorry to interrupt, but the audience with Cardinal Domenico Di Polli is late and he's already here — said the assistant, looking through the half-open door.

— Is Cardinal Domenico Di Polli already here? — Messina asked, a certain concern on her face.

— Yes, Your Eminence, what should I do? — Asked the assistant noting the face of his master.

Joseph Messina reflected for a few seconds and then enunciated:

— I will receive it now.

Then, turning to the trio who were in his room, with a saddened look, he apologized:

— Unfortunately, we won't be able to continue our subject today, as there are State problems that I have to resolve urgently — he said, getting up and ending the interview.

The Cardinal accompanied them to the door.

— But please remember what I told you, the Golden Book will only be safe in my hands!