— YOU SEE — CONTINUED Greg — I'm not an expert on international economics, but I have a feeling that, contrary to what you said, there's something very wrong here!

— I don't understand, Greg.

— Follow my reasoning, Fernando. As Cardinal Messina told us, the Brotherhood of the Serpent's plan is world domination. To achieve this goal, this ancient secret society has, throughout history, infiltrated and influenced important sectors of human activity, such as politics, religion, and even the economy.

— And that's where the problem is.

— If we look more closely, we will see that there is something satanic in the world economy: The fabulous luxury of a few contrasting with the misery that befalls a large part of humanity, billions of dollars being used daily in the research of new technologies of war, while in the On the same day, thousands of human beings die of hunger. Humanity has enough resources and technology for every individual on the face of the Earth to live with dignity having food on his table and a roof over his head, but why doesn't that happen?

— It's really diabolical — confirmed Fernando Dante.

— Exactly, you said it well! This world economic system is unfair and diabolical. Now the big question is: why is he like that?

— Why is he like that? — Asked the confused agent.

— Yes, the question is, why is he like that? See Fernando, do you remember what the Cardinal told us when we were in the Vatican about the intention of the Brotherhood of the Serpent to establish a Luciferian kingdom on Earth?

Fernando nodded.

— Well then, Greg continued, the Cardinal also told us that this Luciferian kingdom would be headed by a special figure: the Antichrist. The question we are now faced with is how this Luciferian kingdom could be established.

— And how would it be established? the agent asked, his eyes shining.

— I learned that the history of humanity has always been based on one nation's attempt to overcome another. The efforts of certain elites were employed to subdue other peoples, keeping them under their dominion. Throughout history these objectives were pursued through military conquests.

— Great empires rose and fell like this: the Babylonian, the Roman, the empire of Alexander the Great, Napoleon or even the British Empire.

— All took advantage of the power of their armies or armed forces. Nowadays, although the power of weapons has not been neglected, given the atomic arsenals maintained by the great powers, the way of dominating peoples and subjugating nations has acquired an entirely new component: finance.

— Are you implying that the Brotherhood of the Serpent will use the finances to establish the Antichrist's rule over the Earth?

— Perfect Fernando, that's right — grinned Greg.

— But how? I don't understand nor can I see what connection this has with the new European currency.

— Let's break it down then.— Greg was still smiling. — You'll soon understand. Let's initially start from the following premise, accepted by all: the world economic system is perverse, and the way it is, an economic crisis, similar or even stronger than the one that occurred in 1929, could cause the ruin of all humanity.

— That's a fact — Fernando agreed.

— The second premise — continued Greg — hidden from humanity, but only known by a few, like us, who by the work of fate become aware of it, deals with the existence of a diabolical and millenary secret society whose objective is to establish the kingdom of Lucifer on earth. Earth.

— The Brotherhood of the Serpent — Fernando agreed.

— Exactly — confirmed the American. — Now, let us imagine the hypothesis that this perverse world economic system was not, as is thought in economic schools, the fruit of a natural capitalist evolution, but something carefully planned and meticulously executed to gradually concentrate the world's riches in the hands of of the members of this secret society, unknown to all, very rich, possessing the largest industries, the most powerful banks and the most expressive means of communication in the world. This secret society will lead everyone like cattle, in complete ignorance to an end orchestrated even in the beginning of human existence: the government of the Antichrist.

— The Saldini family! — Fernando exclaimed — The Saldini are linked by blood ties with the greatest bankers and industrialists in the world!

— Perfect! A family that, as you yourself have verified through Interpol, has links around the world with other equally powerful families. United, these families form the Brotherhood of the Serpent! Together, directly or indirectly, they control world politics and economy. Together they cause economic crises and get rich through them; together, they too can propose a solution to end the world's problems: a world government!

— This is fantastic! — exclaimed Fernando — and corroborates with what I discovered in Frankfurt.

— Yes, and that's where the European Union comes in. Uniting all their power, these families would cause an immense economic crisis around the world, a crisis never seen before, a crisis hundreds of times greater than that of 1929, which generated a worldwide collapse and plunged the world into unprecedented chaos in the story. With this gigantic global economic crisis prepared by the Brotherhood of the Serpent, to protect itself from the economic chaos, the whole world would try to exchange its dollars for more secure assets, such as gold, for example.

— That would really be chaos — said Fernando, beginning to understand the gravity of the situation.

— Exactly — continued Gregory Evans —, imagine now, trillions of Euros, Dollars, petrodollars, all the existing dollars in the world kept in impregnable vaults or hovels; millions of individuals trying to part with their dollars at the same time!

— My God!

— Fear would grip every stock exchange: Wall Street, London, Tokyo. Everyone, at the same time, would rush to sell, and in an instant they would realize that they only had papers in their hands. The exchanges would then close. National currencies, following the dollar, would lose credibility. Panic would set in. The world would then be filled with looting of shops and warehouses. Violence with rape and murder would be the next step. Depleted by its members who would join the crowds to stockpile food, the security agencies would be inoperative. The governments of nations would watch everything without any possibility of intervening, it would be a return to barbarism in which the prevailing law would be that of save-himself-who-can. The whole world would then cry out in unison for a savior. Not an ordinary ruler, but a dictator, a universal dictator who would restore order to the world.

— The Antichrist!

— Exactly! Now let's turn our eyes to the European Union. The president of its Central Bank, being influenced by or being part of the Brotherhood of the Serpent, adopts a strong currency, the Euro, backed by gold, thus protecting itself from the previously planned crisis for the Dollar with the collapse of the world economy. Fearing the wave of violence that plagues the whole world, civil guarantees and freedoms would be suspended indefinitely on European soil. Under the pretext of protecting the continent, a central dictatorship was established, accepted by all the member countries of the European Union.

— A dictatorship established by the Brotherhood of the Serpent and headed by the Antichrist!

— Yes, a dictatorship planned in advance with great care, initially placing men linked to the Brotherhood of the Serpent in strategic posts of the member governments of the European Union. Later, this government of Lucifer in Europe, after acclaimed success, would be extended to the other nations of the Earth, which at that moment would still be living under the chaos provoked by the Brotherhood of the Serpent. Like Julius Germaine, others would be coordinating vital sectors: defense forces, media sectors and key positions in politics. All this orchestrated in such a way as to facilitate the emergence of a dictator over Europe. This dictator, the antichrist, previously in league with the Brotherhood of the Serpent, who would render strict obedience to them, would perform true economic miracles: he would destroy once and for all the old monetary system of the inflated dollar and, based on the spoliative usury of simple unbacked paper, replace it o for a lean and real economy based on Euro/gold.

— So this is why Julius Germaine required the deposit to be made in gold.

— Exactly! Now you see, inflation would no longer exist, as prices would be based on a real economy, no longer being influenced by speculative capital. The Brotherhood of the Serpent, who were the great speculators that destroyed the economy of the world, once they reached their great objective, the government of the antichrist, they would now assume the key positions and would be princes ruling over the nations. In a second moment, when all the voices that rise against this wonderful ruler have already been silenced and all peoples, disarmed, under the pretext that the — enlightened prince— takes care of the safety and well-being of all, a new phase, now more turbulent and totalitarian, similar to — Big Brother— from the book 1984, by George Orwell.

— A totalitarian dictatorship, headed by the Antichrist and controlled by the Brotherhood of the Serpent all over the world! — exclaimed Fernando Dante with shivers.

— Exactly! Now look, Fernando, the story doesn't end there. Concentrating in themselves all the repressive apparatus still existing in humanity, the Brotherhood of the Serpent, in a later stage, would abolish money in the way we know it today and would then implant what for Christianity is known as the mark of the beast: a system electronic device implanted in each person's hand or forehead, without which nobody could buy or sell absolutely anything.

— That's where the BioChip comes in, as we saw in the folder — said Fernando, making the call.

— Exactly, as we can see, everything is heading towards the realization of the picture we have just painted.

— Detective — exclaimed the anguished agent — what can we do? We're just two policemen... If we try to alert the government of Italy, we'll be labeled crazy.

Greg remained silent, watching his agitated companion.

— What if we revealed what we found to Cardinal Messina? I'm sure he would relay the information to the Pope so the world could be saved. We won't be heard, but I believe the whole world would listen to the Pope!

— Cardinal Joseph Messina already knows all about that — Greg said softly, trying to bring him back to composure.

— What did you say? — He asked as if he wasn't believing the American's words.

— Let's not be naive, Fernando — Greg said, placing his hand on the agent's shoulder. — Cardinal Messina is already aware of all this. He said the Vatican is in a secret war against the Brotherhood of the Serpent.

The agent regained his composure.

— Well then — continued the Detective — everything we've discovered and many things we haven't even imagined yet, secrets even older than the history of Europe itself, or even plots and intrigues, whose borders go beyond the comprehension of men who, like us,, manage to see only everyday things, permanently occupy the mind of Joseph Messina.

— And such as...

— ...Victoria? — Completed Greg — What about her?

— Your group knows many things.

— Yes... right now we're working with the best minds possible — said Greg — That's the only way to end a plan of more than twenty thousand years.