THE BRAZILIAN BOY, accompanied by his father, was the first to notice. They had just visited the Pantheon in Rome. Now, close to the Tiberina hospital, in those early hours of the day, they strolled peacefully along the bank of the Tiber.

It was when the Petrobras executive, pulled by his son, stopped to look at what was so interesting in those murky waters, to the point of causing the boy to stop petrified next to the sidewalk and insistently point with his small arm.

— What's up, son? — Asked the executive looking at what, at first, seemed to be just a black cape floating in the middle of those dark waters.

He removed his glasses, cleaned them, then examined her more calmly.

— Heavens! — he exclaimed — livid, now noticing with the clean lenses, the wild and black hair, carelessly dyed by huge stains of blood.