— THIS IS A fundamental POINT — Di Polli said turning to Victoria — perhaps there is nothing more important for man than this: to investigate the reason for his existence, to scrutinize the purpose of his seventy or eighty years on the face of the Earth. However, as you yourself said, most of the population of our world lives in complete indifference. Could you tell me why things are like this?

Victoria and Roman Green looked at each other. Di Polli then continued:

— Have you ever wondered why no one talks about hell?

— Talk about hell? — The woman's forehead wrinkled.

— Yes, talking about hell — continued the Cardinal —, talking about heaven, in short, why does no one seem to care about what happens to us after death? From my point of view, this would be the most important of questions, after all, so little is lived here, but what does eternity mean?

— Yes — Green replied — as a priest I've asked myself that question.

— So, Padre, asked Di Polli, did you find the answer?

Green shook his head slightly in the negative.

— Well then, I will answer you, and for that I will have to reveal to you a secret of men.