— THERE IS ANOTHER FRAUD even greater — Di Polli said again — and which has caused terrible damage to the knowledge of the truth. A pseudo scientific theory propagated worldwide as an unquestionable truth.
— Are you referring to the theory of evolution? — Asked Nicole.
— Yes, young lady, that's exactly what I'm talking about. I believe you will be shocked if I tell you that this theory, along with the intellectual campaign to vilify the Middle Ages, forms part of a fantastic plan for the creation of a new world. This is the big secret. Western civilization, as we know it, is not the result of a blind process, but of carefully planned work.
— Creation of a new world? How so, Your Eminence? — Nicole looked surprised.
— A Novus Ordo Seculorum — said Di Polli — A New Secular Order, that is, a new world with new rules, unlike anything we know...
— That's the phrase on the one dollar bill — observed Green.
— Good point Father, it's on the one dollar bill as a sign that political-economic power is subordinated to this extraordinary plan to transform the world. By the way, in December 1939 Pope Pius XII accomplished something never seen before. In his Christmas radio message, he transcribed in full a letter received from a North American president, Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
— A letter from Roosevelt? — And what was the content of that letter?
— There's a curious fact, Father. In this letter, already predicting the outcome of World War II, Roosevelt urged Pius XII to join efforts to establish a new era of world peace. According to the letter, this New Era was already being built silently by men of good will who sought, in Roosevelt's own words, light and peace.
— Very interesting — muttered Green.
— Yes, but it is even more interesting if I tell you that the phrase Novus Ordo Seculorum was put on the one dollar bill by order of Roosevelt.
— Do you think, then, that this plan was created by Roosevelt? — Nicole asked.
Di Polli smiled at the young woman's words.
— I do not believe that Roosevelt was the author of this plan, no matter how much power the American president had. This has been an elaborate task over the centuries. Perhaps Roosevelt was, with his economic restoration plan, an important piece in this huge jigsaw puzzle.
— Do you believe that the economy is also subordinated to this plan? the woman asked.
— Not only the economy, but also sectors of politics, areas of civil society and the media, science, philosophy, art etc. The greater the capacity to influence modern man, the greater the responsibility and commitment of these segments for the success of the plan.
— But who is behind this far-fetched plan? — Green asked.
— In the end I will answer them. For now, I just want you to understand the mechanism by which the New World Order is being implemented.
They continued walking slowly down the aisle of the church.
— A Machiavellian plan — continued Di Polli — elaborated in the form of a silent revolution, with the aim of eradicating Christianity from the West. And if possible, establish their influence throughout the Earth.
— You said in the form of a silent revolution... How can a revolution be silent? — Nicole asked.
— This revolution can be called silent insofar as, contrary to the great known revolutions, the French Revolution and the Russian Revolution, it aims not to change society, but to do something much more extraordinary, changing the way of thinking of man himself.
— And with the change in man's way of thinking, change society itself — completed the young woman.
— Exactly! A slow, gradual and imperceptible change. It is in this context that the theory of evolution of species fits. The world is sold the idea that the theory of evolution is a scientific theory that emerged with Darwin. But that's not true.
— Is the theory of evolution not a scientific theory? — Green questioned.
— The theory of evolution is a philosophical-religious thesis, Father — replied Di Polli — and it dates back to a period when science itself did not exist and all knowledge about the world had profound religious connotations. What Darwin did was dress it up in a scientific-looking outfit. As an illustration, let's take the example of some Greek philosophers who already thought in terms of evolution. Anaximander, disciple of Thales of Miletus, believed that the first living organisms had emerged from a metamorphosis: they were the result of moisture that enveloped thorny bark. Empedocles already proposed the theory in which he states that the first beings emerged little by little with the parts of their bodies being united when they floated in the middle of a nutritious broth, being combined until they formed a perfect being.
— That sounds funny — Nicole observed.
— It would be funny if it weren't sad, young lady. If we look at evolutionists today, we will see that their proposal is not very different, that is, they believe and try to make believe that man, as well as complex animals, emerged billions of years ago from an immense nutritious broth.
— But how can this be considered scientific? — Questioned Green — The biblical account of creation seems more intelligent to me.
— This really seems illogical, doesn't it? — Di Polli asked.
— It is complete nonsense, I cannot understand how this can be considered "science".
— The answer to your question is very simple, Father — said Di Polli, smiling.
— Simple? — Asked Green in surprise.
— Yes, extremely simple — continued Di Polli —, however irrational the theory of evolution may be, scientists accept it, because, according to them — it is the only one that offers a naturalistic explanation—. That is, the only one that conceives a materialist explanation that does not need divine interference. For the men who control — scientific thinking—, to explain man and the Universe from a supernatural intelligence would be a true heresy. According to them, it would be very dangerous if God entered the building of science again.
— ...Where he was expelled after the end of the Middle Ages — interfered the woman.
— Nice insight, Victoria — replied Di Polli — now do you understand why the Middle Ages have to be known as the "terrifying Dark Ages"?
— This is terrible, Your Eminence! — Nicole exclaimed.
— Yes, it's terrible, but it's part of the plan. These same scientists, ardent defenders of evolution, call themselves agnostics. That is, those who, between the believer and the unbeliever, declare that God is a possibility that cannot be proved.
— It's a pretty neutral position — observed the woman.
— Apparently, yes, but in fact it is a position taken in accordance with the purposes of the plan. By declaring that God cannot be proved by science, they are adopting the maxim of the empiricist school, namely:
— Only that which is perceived by the senses is to be considered.—
— Only matter can be the object of the senses, consequently God is ruled out. Science, suffocated by the empiricist conception, put God out, because being the Spirit Creator of all things, God cannot be confused with matter, that is, with creation itself.
— But the Bible says that God can be known through his works! Nicole watched in astonishment. — See Eminence, the perfection of all things, the complexity of man… everything points to God.
— I agree with you, Nick — Di Polli smiled. — Everything points to God. The complexity of things, as you yourself said, proves the existence of God. Reason tells us that God is evident. But...
— But... But what? asked the already distressed woman.
— Modern science is not built on reason, but on sensation. It is the empiricist school that dominates science. The rationalist school, the basis of scholasticism and medieval thought, was banished from the edifice of science. Only the senses are perceived by them, and they can be objects of scientific investigation.
— It's an absurd!
— That's why scientists idolize matter. Faced with the impossibility of explaining certain marvels of nature, the absurdity of speaking of "miracles of evolution" has already been reached.
— Only God works miracles!
— I agree — continued the Cardinal — but when God is removed, man turns to worshiping something else. In the case of evolutionists they worship Darwin. I believe that in the not too distant future, when science returns to rationality, that is, when it understands that the truth cannot be found only in the realm of sensations of matter, and reason makes science accept God, men come across the term evolutionism, they will find the following interpretation in the dictionary:
Evolutionism – philosophical-religious movement that emerged in ancient times and intensified in the 19th and 20th centuries, whose greatest prophet, Charles Darwin, was idolized by a large number of scientists in that same period.
— This would be comical if it weren't so sad.
— Exactly, young lady. It is extremely sad — said Di Polli.
— But what about the Church, Your Eminence? — Asked Green — Has the Church been silent on this matter?
— The Church has already manifested itself on this, Father. Just look at the Encyclical of Pope Pius X: Pascendi Dominici Gregis.
— So the Church has already expressed itself on the subject, but it seems that it did not have much effect — said the woman.
— Yes, in the encyclical Pope Pius X demonstrates the error of empiricists, also known as modernists, in placing the existence of God outside the cognitive capacity of science. During the Middle Ages, science had its foundations in the thought of Plato and Aristotle, strongholds of rationalist thought. For Plato, truth could not be found on the physical plane, that is, in the sensations of the empiricist school. But through reason it would be found on a metaphysical plane. Saint Thomas Aquinas, the greatest scholar of the Middle Ages, demonstrated that this metaphysical plane would be God.
— Did this rationalist school eventually disappear with the Middle Ages? — Asked the young woman.
— No, although furiously attacked by empiricists, the rationalist school still continued to exist, but obscured and weakened by the modernist propaganda that in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries stormed the fortress of reason. Rationalist philosophers like Leibniz still opposed empiricism. When modernist empiricists said that nothing could be found in the intellect without first passing through the senses, Leibniz counterattacked:
"Nihil est in intellectu quod prius non fuerit in sensu; nisi intellectus ipse"
— That is:
"nothing can be found in the intellect that does not pass through the senses, except the intelligence itself".
— This Leibniz posture is brilliant — said Green.
— Brilliant but insufficient! As I said, the fortress of science was taken by storm by the empiricist philosophy that ended up contaminating it. In this way, controlled by empiricist thought, science does not admit any knowledge that does not originate from sensations, thus disregarding Leibniz's assertion that intelligence is prior to matter itself.
— Does this mean, then, that for Leibniz, there is an intelligence that overlaps matter, which gives it form and purpose?
— Yes, Nicole. For Leibniz there is God.
— A God that for science, due to the empiricist influence, is excluded from the world of scientific knowledge — concluded the young woman.
— Perfect, you've just discovered the most harrowing question of our century. How science ended up moving away from God!