— ARE THE DEVELOPERS of this plan inside the Vatican? — Nicole was surprised — But what are they, Satanists?

— Unfortunately, I will once again have to answer your question in the affirmative — said Di Polli — Although this plan has not been hatched now, but many centuries ago, it was devised by a group of men who worship the Devil and who are even inside the Vatican.

— If I understand correctly — the woman interjected — are you categorically stating that there is a conspiracy of Satanists within the Vatican itself?

— Exactly — confirmed the Cardinal.

— And that these Satanists were responsible for Pope John Paul II's acceptance of the theory of evolution?

— The statement is still correct — replied Di Polli.

— My God! — exclaimed the woman.

For a moment Domenico Di Polli rested his eyes on each of his astonished interviewers.

— That's one thing I can't prove.

— Heavens! — exclaimed Roman Green — this is simply incredible, one cardinal accusing another of Satanism.

— My nephew... —said the Cardinal, visibly moved — he was killed for exactly that reason. A few days before his assassination, I was approached by a young priest, second secretary of the Vatican representation in Israel. This young priest told me that when he went looking for the Nuncio to give him some reports, he found his room empty. As he put the reports on the table, his attention was awakened by a letter from the ambassador of the Holy See to Cardinal Messina. In that letter, the Nuncio informed the Secretary General of the Vatican of the progress achieved by an ultra-Orthodox rabbi in the creation of a kind of parallel government, to take power in Israel. Disturbed by the content of the document, the priest quickly withdrew, unfortunately without taking a copy of the document.

— A letter from the Vatican ambassador to Cardinal Messina informing him of a parallel government ready to seize power in Israel? — The woman was surprised.

— I don't understand, Your Eminence! What interest can the Secretary General of the Vatican have in being informed about a conspiracy in Israel? — Green asked.

— For this was the same question I asked myself, Father — what is the interest of the second man in the Vatican, in a conspiracy to take over the Jewish state? Motivated by this curiosity, I made some investigations, and what I found astonished me greatly.

— What did you discover, Eminence?

— I started by investigating Rabbi Yousef Ben Yeshua, a Jewish priest obsessed with the return of the Messiah. So far so good, this has always been Israel's great hope. The problem, as my spy revealed to me, is that, in addition to being the figurehead in the creation of this invisible government, the rabbi has been announcing in his sermons that the Messiah of Israel is already on Earth. According to the rabbi, the Messiah who will present himself will already be covered by an important crown, one of the largest in the West.

— Does he then say that the Messiah, even before he presents himself to Israel, will already be a powerful king? — Nicole asked, uneasy at the gravity of the situation.

— That's what I initially thought, but then I ran into an insurmountable obstacle. According to Jewish tradition, the Messiah of Israel must be a descendant of King David. No member of the European monarchy fulfills this requirement.

— No member of the monarchy? But then...

— ... Then I realized the reason for the Vatican Secretary General's interest. The crown the rabbi was referring to does not belong to any of the European monarchies!

— Doesn't belong to any of the European monarchies? — the woman was astonished — but who does it belong to then?

— That's the big surprise — said Di Polli triumphantly — it belongs to the Vatican. It's the papal crown.

— The papal crown — continued Di Polli — is not given to a member of a royal family, its possessor does not belong to a dynasty, but is elected from among all the cardinals of the Church. There's something very clever about that. The occupant of the throne of Pedro does not have his life scrutinized by paparazzi or sensationalist newspapers with the same intensity as a future king.

— That seems to me very convenient for hiding an ancient secret dynasty — observed Green.

— Nice observation, Father, if someone wished for an alleged representative of an ancient...

— The papal crown? — Nicole was perplexed.

— Yes — continued Di Polli. — Would there be another more appropriate crown? You see, young lady, one of the biggest problems faced by royalty is precisely the continuous exposure of its members to a relentless media that persecutes them simply for belonging to this or that royal house. This is publicity that would certainly not be of interest to someone who has in his blood the proof of belonging to the royal lineage of Israel. It would simply be harmful if this revelation were discovered ahead of time.

— Does this not happen with the papal crown? — Asked the young woman.

— It doesn't happen — confirmed the Cardinal — unlike a prince who has his life exposed by the tabloids since birth. A pope, or rather a cardinal before the beginning of his pontificate, spends most of his time in anonymity, suffering from the media spotlight only during his reign.

— That would be very interesting for someone who wanted to hide their true identity from the world — confirmed Green.

— Exactly, I see that you are beginning to see why Joseph Messina has an interest in the secret government of Rabbi Yeshua.

— Do you believe, then, that Joseph Messina is the Messiah of Israel? the woman asked.

— No, quite the opposite — said Di Polli, already feeling tired and under heavy pressure.

— But you yourself said that the papal crown is the most suitable for the Messiah, and apparently Joseph Messina will try to be the next Pope.

— Yes, I said that, only there is an insurmountable snag. Cardinal Messina cannot be the Messiah. Jesus Christ, though rejected by the Jews, is the true Messiah.

— Are you saying then that Joseph Messina is...

— The Antichrist! — Di Polli replied.

— Heavens! — Victoria's face was filled with disbelief.

— Can you prove it?

— It's exactly what my nephew would have done if he hadn't been killed.

— WAS YOUR NEPHEW KILLED by this? — Asked the woman at the moment when she noticed the tears on the cardinal's face again.

— He was the person I trusted the most. So I made the terrible mistake of telling you the same thing I just told you. He was a wonderful young man, a mountain climber and a member of the special forces of the Italian army. He had the unfortunate idea of getting hold of these letters sent by the Nuncio, and that could unmask Joseph Messina, but before that, he had managed to intercept the kidnapping of a young man who was the target of this group and would be sacrificed, and in fact it was consummated.

— Freddy Martinez.

— Exactly! You knew him under the name of Pietro Ferri, he disguised himself as an Interpol agent, however, when his identity was discovered, someone tried to kill him, but a hospital attendant ended up being killed in his place and he immediately returned to Rome and tried plan B.

— Get the cards.

The cardinal nodded.

— There is one thing I still cannot understand, Your Eminence — Victoria said.

— What can't you understand?

— Why are you telling us all this? What is the secret reason that drives His Eminence to expose, in such an illuminating way, crucial issues for the Vatican? Why reveal to a woman like me, or to a young American woman, or even to a priest, information that could alter the world's landscape?

— Maybe because, although you want to convey the opposite, you are special people, Victoria, at least that's what my nephew told me.

— Specials? What do you mean by this? — The woman asked with bated breath.

— Let me tell you a story, Victoria. In the month of May of the last year of the pontificate of Pope John XXIII there was a secret audience between the pontiff and an important researcher.

— Richard Hulmann...

He nodded.

— This researcher bore the same last name that marks his signature.

— Do you know about the secret audience my father had with the Pope?

— Yes, Victoria, I know, but the important thing here is that you know too. You are special, your father was the keeper of an important secret. Richard Hulmann approached Pope John XXIII so that the pontiff would take under his custody one of the three parts of the Golden Book of Atlantis. However, John XXIII refused, as he glimpsed the possibility, so real in our days, that the sons of the devil or the Brotherhood of the Serpent, as his father said at that time, would take over the Vatican.

— Are you also aware of the Brotherhood of the Serpent? — Asked the woman realizing the seriousness of the situation.

— His father revealed to John XXIII the existence of this powerful sect. Until then we were aware that Satan had recruited followers among men, but we did not know that this satanic organization was of such scope...

— ... To the point of infiltrating the Vatican itself — added Green.

— Unfortunately, this is what the facts demonstrate, Father. They are not only infiltrated, but on the verge of storming the very throne of Peter. Now there is hope: according to what Richard Hulmann told the Pope, they need the three parts of the golden book to carry out their plans, they had one, the Vatican had one part and the other had been discovered by his father. Without the complete golden book, it is not possible to carry out the consecration of the Antichrist. We have to find the book before the Brotherhood of the Serpent do, and upon finding it, we have to destroy it.

Domenico Di Polli noticed the pallor that had sprouted on the faces of his interlocutors.

— What was it? — Asked the Prince of the Church.

— I fear it will no longer be possible to destroy it, Your Eminence — said the woman in a trembling voice.

Before he could continue, a priest approached Domenico Di Polli and whispered something in his ear that astonished him.

— Gentlemen, I'm sorry to interrupt our meeting, but I have an urgent matter to attend to.

And he ran off accompanied by the priest.