HIS GRANDFATHER'S TENDER, serene face had given way to the demonic face of a man visibly possessed by the prince of darkness.

— Yes, but did Archangel Michael win and cast out Lucifer and his demons?

She had no answer for that.

— Temporarily... my sweet granddaughter... temporarily!

— How so, temporarily?

— Michael won a battle, but Lucifer will win the war. Yes, Lucifer will win! said Richard Hulmann, his face transformed. — I, the descendant of Absalom, will now consecrate my soul to Lucifer, and through the virgin's blood and the ineffable words transmitted in the beginning of time by Nimrod, enshrined in the Golden Book, I will receive the spirit of enlightenment. Then... we will rule the world! In possession of the nuclear arsenals of the nations, we, the Brotherhood of the Serpent, will carry out the great holocaust, the greatest sacrifice ever offered to Lucifer: half of the world's population will die! With this we will allow Lucifer's armies to return to heaven to defeat Archangel Michael's troops!

— You are crazy! That's impossible, you can't be the same grandfather I've lived with all these years... armies of demons can't return to heaven!

— You are mistaken, my dear! Once again you forget the lessons you should know! Is it not written that after death the spirit of man returns to God who created him? God feared one man only once, for this man, Nimrod, built a tower that would reach to the heavens...

— The Tower of Babel?

The old man nodded and continued.

— Apparently someone didn't miss that class... and once there, fighting for the coronation of Lucifer, the Prince of Light, as the ruler of the entire Universe, I could contemplate when I was in his tomb.

— And that's why he faked his death?

— No, my little one... I didn't fake my death, I faked my resurrection, they are completely different things.

— The Tower of Babel is just a story made up to illustrate the different languages.

— That's what we wanted you to imagine, but no, the Tower of Babel is a portal that gives access to the Fourth Dimension, because you think that God feared the power of Nimrod.

— This can not happen! God will not allow! — Nicole exclaimed, completely terrified of the person she loved most in this world, and now she had no idea what could happen.

— God... God... — said Richard Hulmann in a mocking tone — He has no part in this story! He remained silent as Lucifer's troops faced Michael's armies! God will have to accept the decision of the victors, and when the legions of Hades dominate the celestial regions, we, the Brotherhood of the Serpent, heirs of the Luciferian promise, will have total control of what is left of human civilization. Thus will the ancient prophecy be fulfilled:

From Earth to Heaven!

— We will help Lucifer and his armies return to their former habitat.

And from Heaven to Earth...

— Lucifer will confirm the rule of his faithful subjects here on earth!

— So that's why you wanted a meeting with the Pope... the whole time you were working closely with the Vatican...

— Vatican is just a pawn on this huge chessboard, isn't it, Cardinal Messina?

The old cardinal nodded.

— This is insane! And when you die? What will be the ultimate fate of all the Brotherhood of the Serpent?

— The life tree! said Richard Hulmann, his eyes shining.

— We, the faithful servants of Lucifer — continued Messina — will never die; the Tree of Life, revealed by the map of Nimrod, will guarantee us an eternal existence, crowned by the government of mankind.