TIMOTHY O'CONNEL WAS on the quarterdeck when the expedition returned to Nebraska. As determined by the Pentagon, he asked nothing. But his spirit was filled with uneasiness when he saw the girl climb aboard the ship as smart as any teenager.

His astonishment was increased when he welcomed on board the influential Senator James Hofma, whose eyes glowed like two torches and his face lit up as if he had just seen God himself.

The others were serene and peaceful, as if an immense burden had been lifted from their shoulders.

Before leaving, the Detective turned his eyes to the great Queen's Range. Whatever fabulous secret that group carried with them, there could be no better place to hide it than among those mountains covered in eternal ice.

THE RETURN JOURNEY was marred by a single incident. After retiring to his cabin, the Senator was never seen again. When sought by the commander, for dinner, Hofma had disappeared. Hoping to find him, Timothy O'Connell ordered searches throughout the ship, but these searches were suspended when they realized that he was simply gone.


DOMENICO DI POLLI was in the Sistine Chapel and saw his name chosen for the next prince of the throne of Peter.

— I told you that you would be chosen as the next Pope, Uncle.

He smiled and said:

— I really am chosen by men to be the next Pope, but am I chosen by God to be?

— There's only one way to find out... by accepting the opportunity to be...

He looked up at the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and saw an angel with a fiery sword who saved him when he tried to take his life.

— I accept...


GREGORY AND FERNANDO surrounded The Basilica di Sant'Antonio di Padova, the largest church in the city of Padua, Italy.

— Although it receives Catholic pilgrims from all over the world — Fernando began explaining about the possibility that the last link in that gear was inside — it is not the city's cathedral. It is known only as "il Santo", and is managed by the Conventual Franciscan Friars.

— We have to be careful holding him, so there might be tourists.

— I've already given the signal to close all perimeters.

— THE CONSTRUCTION IN MID-1238 — the bishop told a few tourists, shortly after the death of Santo Antônio de Lisboa, it had only one nave. Later it received side additions and was completed in 1310. The saint, according to his will, was buried in the small church of Santa Maria Mater Domini and close to a convent founded by him in 1229. This church was incorporated into the current basilica with the name of Cappella della Madonna Mora.

The bishop noticed the discreet entrance of Gregory and Fernando, but he didn't seem to mind, he continued his tour of the church.

— The basilica is a gigantic building without a defined architectural style, although Romanesque and Gothic features are predominant. Its domes reveal Byzantine influence. Inside, the style becomes even more complex, with numerous Renaissance and Baroque funerary monuments and altars, decorated with sculptures and paintings.

He pointed.

— The Cappella del Santissimo Sacramento is the tomb of the famous condottiero Gattamelata and his son Giannantonio. Relics of Saint Anthony are found in the Treasury Chapel. The body of the saint, which was originally in the Madonna Mora chapel, received a special chapel during the Renaissance, created by a group of important artists, including Tullio Lombardo, Antonio Lombardo and Jacopo Sansovino, with sculptures by Tiziano Aspetti. In the basilica there are also several notable images of the Madonna. Other works are the magnificent Easter candelabrum, from 1515, by Andrea Briosco; the six statues of saints on the altar, by Donatello; and the Crucifixion, by Altichiero da Zevio, one of the most important works of the late 14th century. Annexes to the basilica are a cloister and the Oratory of Saint George, with a large cycle of frescoes by Altichiero.

AFTER RELEASING THE TOURISTS, the bishop went to the presence of the two policemen:

— Did you come to see the cathedral this time, gentlemen?

— You know that every sin has a conscience, don't you, Bishop?

— Sorry, officer, I don't understand.

— Should I call you Bishop, or Jeremy Niles Jr.?

Suddenly, the bishop's face took on another expression.

— I don't know what you're talking about.

Victoria appeared behind them and could recognize the face of her father's aide among millions.

— How long, Jeremy, I hope the deal you made with Cardinal Messina was worth it, because you will rot in jail and then your soul will rot in hell.

The bishop looked far too calm.

Suddenly, they hear a click coming from hands covered by the sleeve of the robe and the bishop begins to convulse.

Fernando was going towards him to help him, but Greg knew it was too late.

— He poisoned himself.

He lifted the now lifeless bishop's arm and saw a ring with a needle at the end.

— It was a coward to kill my father, to kill the poor French priest, and now to kill himself.


YOUSEF BEN YESHUA suddenly stopped listening to the voices that guided him and felt abandoned by God, the days turned into weeks, the weeks into months, the months into years until he went crazy, closely followed, the members of the Brotherhood saw that that man was no longer trustworthy and one day he appeared dead in front of the Wailing Wall, without ever being able to find the culprit for that.


NICOLE HULMANN RECEIVED her historian's degree and was embraced by her mother:

— Your father and grandfather would be very proud of the woman you've become, darling.

She looked to the side and saw Gregory Evans accompanied by his wife.

— He spoke highly of you.

Elisa Evans smiled.

— And he asked me to tell you that he loves you very much.

— In difficult times men will say anything.

— Mostly the truth, Mrs. Evans.

She smiled:

— Yes... mostly the truth...


— YOU KNOW how you're going to tell her?

Greg was thoughtful, as it was a lifetime together and now he was blatantly using seduction to gain trust.

They had been watching the mansion when they saw him drive away, the images were clear, and the trap had been perfect, they had left the copy of the book they had tricked Cardinal Messina out of and now had caught him in the act.

The images on the video were crystal clear, Antoine sneaking the book in the dead of night and leaving the mansion.

Greg and Fernando accompanied the vehicle and when Antoine entered the Hulmann family's private plane, Greg entered a few moments later.

— Any representative travel, Mr Antoine, or may I call you Walter Messina?'

It was as if he had seen a ghost, had the plan gone wrong? It was impossible, he had made sure the detective was still in Europe.

Antoine tried to grab his pistol, but Fernando appeared behind him and relieved him.

— It's over, Messina!

— No, Detective, it's just getting started... do you think I'm Joseph Messina's only child?

— Alive or free, yes... we've already intercepted everyone else.

Antoine hugged the suitcase with the golden book.

— This is not the real book of Nimrod, I changed it to deceive your father, as I changed it to deceive you, it is a cheap copy made with fool's gold.

— Where's the real book?

Greg smiled as he remembered the ending of the movie Titanic, at least that's what his mind was limited to remembering the fate of the book.

— God wanted to end the evil of the world through water, let's say I did the same and the book will never be in human hands again.

Fernando handcuffed him and was taking him away when Victoria appeared in her wheelchair.

— I've trusted you, Antoine, for over twenty years, we...

— Spare me, you invalid...

Victoria couldn't believe those words, even more carrying his child in her womb...


FERNANDO DANTE looked at the computer screen and saw the final report of the case, that file would be in the wing of secret cases that could not be released to the world's light.

The phone rang, it was his wife, Carmen Saldini, he heard her and hung up.

Fernando then ended the investigation and erased everything that had happened.

It's like all this never happened...


GREGORY EVANS EMBRACED his wife, whom he hadn't seen in over a month.

— You look better than ever.

Greg hid from his wife that he was fighting a newly discovered cancer, but when he did the tests, he was completely cured.

— I promise I'll retire, darling.

— Why now...

— Sometimes danger teaches us the true age we are, and unlike many tales, we don't have that much time to live, we just have to enjoy it alongside those we love...

GREG DIDN'T KNOW WHY Fernando saved his life in London, after all, his wife was a Saldini, but that was all in the past now.