The story follows a young man as he is thrust into a brutal and oppressive world of war. Desperate to make a difference and bring an end to the conflict, he joins the resistance, a group of rebels fighting against the tyrannical regime. But as he undergoes training and becomes embroiled in the dangerous divide between rivalling clans, he soon realizes that the cost of war is far greater than he ever imagined. Faced with the harsh realities of violence and loss, he must confront his own morality and question whether the end justifies the means. As he fights to survive and bring peace to his country, he is pushed to the brink of his humanity, forced to question what he is willing to sacrifice in the name of freedom. Will he have the strength to see his mission through to the end, or will he be consumed by the darkness of this fight for justice?
I would love to read more about this political war, the clans, this mysterious leader and general Xerxes, I liked the dynamics of how the relationship between the members of group 6 is developing. overall, I liked the start. it has some serious tone and dark topics. [img=faceslap], I'll await the next chapter buddy [img=coins]