"Take her" Fred's voice thundered, ordering his guards to take Pearl out of the house after killing her parents.

"No no no... please I didn't do anything, please don't take me" Pearl begged as they took her to the van. She hasn't recovered from the shock of her murdered parents, and now he ordered them to take her away.

She came back from where she went to hang out with friends when she came back and meet the shock of her life. She was broken. She couldn't believe her parents are no more. They were murdered right in front of her eyes and she couldn't do anything.

She was traumatized but this devil doesn't even care or bothers.

She could see hatred in his eyes.

She wondered what her parents did that cost their lives but still, this wicked man shouldn't have killed her parents...

"Leave me alone, I didn't do anything, why would you kill my parents, what offense did they commit that cost their lives, you wicked Dev..." She couldn't complete her words as she received a thunderous slap from Fred.

"You better keep shut woman if you don't me to cut off your tongue, do you realize who you're talking to, you better watch your words" he added" and also am your master from now onwards and you're my slave," Fred said coldly which sent shivers down her spine.

She could only keep shut and follow suit with the guards to the van. She wept silently. She knows now her life will be a miserable one, she now knows this man is not only dangerous but also a mafia who kills anyone that crosses paths with him and she can't afford to annoy such a person, if not it will cost her life.

She wondered how her parents know such a dangerous man

She cried silently as she entered the van and they tied her hands and legs then blindfolded her and drove off.


"Take care of these bodies," Fred said to his right-handed man, Jasper

Jasper stared at the bodies. He's also dangerous but you could call him the green snake under the green grass. He does his things silently, that's how he got Nicknamed a silencer though he's a flirt.

He looked up at Fred and said "But what are you going to do with Hudson's daughter, why don't you kill her at once" he said as he brought out a cigarette and lit it up.

Fred also brought out a stick and started smoking as he said"I won't just kill her like that, she has to suffer for her parents' sins before dying and also be my sex slave"

That's Fred, he does not do love but drills anything under the skirt. He has numerous slave girls who satisfy him in his clan.

"Hmmm that's interesting" Jasper shrugged "I will also like to have a taste of her, I bet she is sweet down there," Jasper said as he licked his lips seductively. He's also a sex God and worse than Fred.

"Your wish," Fred said emotionlessly as he walked to his car and drove off to his clan.


The van in which Pearl was in, was finally in their clan.

Pearl felt the aura of the mansion and could tell it was a dangerous place with dangerous people in it.

They took her to the slave quarters, to a room which she does not know where they are taking her to because she was still blindfolded.

One of the guards took her to a particular room. And in the room, there was an older woman there.

The guard took off the blindfold and untied Pearl's hands and legs, then turned to the older woman and said,

"Master said you should prepare her and you know what to do madam Maria".

"Yes of course, you can go" the older woman, Madam Maria said and took Pearl who was just trying to adapt to the light of the place before her gaze landed on the woman.

"Follow me, dear" Madam Maria gestured for Pearl to follow her, which she did but she was still curious about where she was, so she asked,

"Excuse me ma'am, but what place is this why am I here, please hope they won't kill me," Pearl said pathetically cuz she was really scared after receiving that thunderous slap from that monster and witnessing her parents' death.

She knew the master can do anything to her or even kill her.

"No my dear, if you were to be killed, you would have been killed a long time ago and wouldn't be here but he doesn't plan to do so but to make you one of his slaves."

"His sex slave to be precise" Madam Maria added.

She also knew this was the daughter of the master's traitor but what could she do, she was following orders.

She could see the innocence and pure soul in the girl's eyes and she pitied her.

She knows this will be hell for her since the master won't only have her as a sex slave but also punish her and hurt her in the process.

"What! Sex slave?" Pearl asked very shocked.

"Yes dear, all girls brought to this clan as a slave is to serve and satisfy the master's sexual desires, you happen to be one of them" Madam Maria explained

Madam Maria sighed and added" And I think yours will be more of a punishment because you are the master's traitor's daughter"

"But how did my parents become the master's traitor when I haven't seen the man or seen them together," Pearl asked confused.

"Am not in the right position to answer your question or even, tell you anything but all I know is your parents betrayed the master and that happened a long time ago, that's all I have to say"

"So please if you don't want to be in trouble just keep shut and don't ask anyone about this next time again" Madam Maria warned.

Pearl paused her lips in a thin line and kept them shut. She was curious to know what happened between her parents and the cruel master.

'I mean I deserve to know what happened that caused their death' she could only say inwardly

Madam Maria took her to one of the doors which was the bathroom.

The woman helped her take off her clothes and told her to wash up so she would get dressed.

Pearl did not object and did as told.

She finished washing and got out. She met Madam Maria with some set of clothes which she suspected were the slave's clothes.

"Now get dressed so I could prepare you before the master comes back" Madam Maria said to her.

Pearl could only sigh in surrender as she thought to herself.

'welcome to hell.'