After resting in Madam Maria's room for hours, Pearl went to her room.

The next day, she had rested enough and was feeling better now.

Mia and Emma are working, so she is the only one in the room.

Since she was ordered not to follow other maids to work with her master and to be nothing but a s*x slave.

She is bored now, with no one to talk to.

She stood up from her bed and decided to take a stroll around the clan.

She wore the clothes Madam Maria prepared for her and went out.

As she was walking down the corridor, it was quiet and rare for one to see a person passing by.

It seems all maids are at their duty posts, while the guards are being trained by some gang members and some went for a mission.

So it's understandable for the hallways to be quiet.

She first went to the garden.

The garden was full of flowers, and she wondered who was the lovers of flowers that planted many of them.

'I'm not sure the master is fond of flowers, he is too cold, his auras will kill them' she thought inwardly.

A particular flower caught her attention and she went for it.

It was an Ivory flower, a periwinkle.

She loves ivories.

Her mother plants all kinds of Ivory flowers, periwinkles most especially.

She plucked one and breathed in the flowers' smell. It calms her nerves when she does this.

She was still breathing in when a voice startled her.

"Hey, Pearl!" she turned and saw Mike walking towards her.

"You scared me," she held her chest.

Mike chuckled "What were you thinking, a ghost or the master?"

"The master, of course, all the people here are scary" She turned to the flower.

"That's excluding me, you know I'm not."

"Yeah, you are different and nice, you have been nice to me."

Mike smiled in satisfaction as he looked at her.

"Why are you here anyways?"

"I was dying of boredom, so I decided to stroll around."

" Why are you here?" Pearl asked Mike

"Just came back from a mission."


"Hmm, you seem to like Flowers."

"Yes ivories are my favorite, my mum always planted them, I think in place of my name."

Pearl said as she remembered her mum, how she always called her Ivory as her nickname, she sighed sadly. She missed her mom a lot.

Mike seems to notice, "I'm sorry for your loss."

"It's okay, bygone is bygone," but I will never forgive you Fred' she thought inwardly.

"Hey just remembered, you broke Mia's heart, why did you turn her down?"

"C'mon I didn't turn her down, she hasn't confessed her love for me to do that, I only advised her not to have a crush on me cuz I can't reciprocate her feelings"

"Besides I asked her to be my friend instead"

"Ahh! I pity her though, first love hurts"

"I hope she finds true love," Mike said as he looked at Pearl.

"Come let's stroll out since you are bored" Mike implied.

"Okay," Pearl's eyes shone in excitement.

Mike chuckled, she looked cute.

They walked out of the garden.

Mike showed her some places, though Mia already showed her some.

Mike was making jokes while Pearl laughed heartily.

They were at that when they stopped in their tracks. They just encountered Fred.

Fred was just coming back from a mission with Jasper behind him.

He looked at Pearl and Mike emotionlessly.

They were close, with Pearl's hand on Mike's shoulder as a result of the hard laugh at the jokes.

He looked at them coldly, and Pearl removed her hands from Mike's shoulder.

She bowed her head as a mode of greeting, same with Mike.

Fred ignored them and walked past them, going to his room.

"Don't be scared" Mike patted Pearl's head

Pearl just sighed.


Fred got to his room and then got in Jasper following behind.

He could sense a dangerous aura from him.

He decided to pull his legs.

"It seems your bunny has found a new male friend" Jasper looked at him expecting a reaction from him.

But Fred didn't say anything, instead, he ordered,

"Get me Aria" he ordered curtly.

Jasper sighed and left to call Aria.

Shortly after, Aria came in dressed b*tchily.

" You sent for master" She bowed her head before approaching Fred.

Even though she was his favorite, she has to give him her respect as the master.

Fred at Aria for a while, before asking coldly.

" Where were you last night, I sent for you but you were not in your room"

Aria froze and stopped in her tracks.

Aria's eyes widened. She was scared he would find out where she went last night.

She composed herself, and let out a small nervous smile.

"Ooh, last night, I was at the training field, did you come look for me there?" She asked instead.

Fred looked at her with furrowed brows. He looked at her one last time before he ordered,

"Strip, I need you now!"

Aria sighed in relief as he did not ponder on the matter anymore.

She removed her clothes happily since she has been anticipating having him buried inside her.

As she was done getting rid of her clothes, she approached Fred seductively, as he was sitting on the couch as usual.

She tried kissing him on the lips, but he held her jaws in place, stopping her.

He glared at her and she got the message.

He does not allow anyone to kiss him at all, he hates it.

Since they had been having sex, he has never crossed the line of kissing her, just banging her and ordering her to leave.

She would always be angry when he does that, she wants more than to be a s*x slave to him.

She wants his love and caress, but she also knew she was wishing for the impossible.

"Get on the bed now" he ordered.

She lay on the bed on all fours. It was his favorite style of s*x.

He unbuckled his belt, thrust into her, then drove her unstoppably.

"Ahh...Fred ohh my...."

Fred grasped her hair forcefully.

"Call me master, b*tch " he growled.


"Yes there...ohh don't stop."

"Gahd....faster master..."

Fred continued banging her as she mo@ned b*tchily.

As he was banging her, the image of Pearl appeared in his head.

He remembered how he s*xed her, and he also realized that she was a virgin then, but he cared less not like he pitied her.

He could remember how tight she was around his d*ck which gave him pleasure and drove him to the edge.

Then the image of Pearl and Mike together popped into his head, and he became angry.

He poured his anger on Aria as he banged her hard, till she became weak.

He pulled out of her and wore his pants.

"Get out!"

Aria stood, though he was rough, she enjoyed it and wants more.

She wore her clothes and then moved to Fred.

She tried touching him but he held her hand and pushed her to the floor.

"Don't get me angrier, I told you to f*cking get out, don't let me meet you here" he warned as he went into the bathroom.

Aria gritted her teeth, then stomped out of the room.


Mia was in Jasper's room, cleaning up as her duty.

Jasper had gone out for some work, she was very happy he was not around to pester her.

She was about to arrange the bed when she felt strong arms around her waist, startling her.

She turned and slapped the person out of reflex. Because she thought she was the only one in the room and didn't hear the door open.

Her eyes widened when she saw who she just slapped but composed herself and pushed him.

"How dare you startle me and hold my waist like that," she said not feeling sorry at all.

Jasper smirked as he leaned close to her.

She leaned back avoiding him "Stop getting close."

Jasper continued,

"But you wouldn't mind if it was Mike who held you like that, hmmm?"

Her eyes widened 'how did he know'