"AHHH…. "

On Mike's way to his suite to go prepare for the mission, he met Pearl jogging toward him.

He was amazed, he stopped in his tracks, then walked to her.

"Hey, Mike!"

"Hi Ivory," Mike said.

"What" Pearl laughed

" Ivory, another pet name?"

"What do you mean by another pet name?"

"Never mind, it's nothing, anyways where are you going?" Pearl asked.

"We were called suddenly that our enemy who has been quiet lately is now on the ground"

Mike explained while Pearl listened with interest.

"And who is he?" Pearl asked curiously.

"His name is Godfrey," Mike said leaning closer to Pearl.

He raised his hands to her hair dusting off the dirt on it.

Pearl stiffened, not because of their current position.

But because behind Mike was Fred, who was emitting a dangerous aura.

He was standing with his hands leisurely in his pocket.

Pearl snapped out of her trance.

Fred comfortably walked to them.

Mike saw Pearl looking behind him and turned in the direction she was looking at.

He saw Fred who was shooting daggers at him while approaching them.

If it was before he would have walked away but not now they were getting too intimate' Fred thought.

"Mike ain't you suppose to go get ready for the mission," Fred said coldly.

"Master" Mike bowed

"I was on my way to my room but I haven't bid my farewell to her yet," Mike said boldly.

Fred's expression became darker.

He looked at Pearl who wasn't saying anything and was standing casually as if not been caught.

"And you," he said to Pearl, he hasn't still know her name yet, and it angers him more cuz this fool close to him knows her name.

"Yes?" Pearl answered nonchalantly, not showing any form of respect.

"Aren't you supposed to be in your room?" Fred asked ignoring her indifference.

"I got bored so I'm out for a stroll when I happen to meet Mike" Pearl explained calmly.

Fred got more annoyed hearing another man's name in her mouth.

He glared at Mike and then ordered

"Come to my room now!"

He said as he walked away.

Pearl sighed she already knows what he would do.

'But I thought he was going for a mission' she thought

"I would be going Mike see you when you are back"

Before she could walk away, Mike pulled her into a hug.

"Bye, see you when I'm back"

He doesn't know why but he was having a strange feeling about leaving Pearl.

"Be careful" he pulled away from the embrace.

"I will" Pearl smiled cutely.

Mike patted her head before walking to his suite.

Pearl got to Fred's room but met Madam Maria.

Immediately she saw her she ran to her arms.

"Madam Maria" Pearl called.

"Oh my dear, how have you been," Madam Maria said.

"I have been doing fine, have missed you"

"Me too, but you know I have been busy"

"I looked for you the other day in your room but couldn't find you"

"Work...How is it going with Fred?"

Pearl sighed and explained everything to her from the start

"OMG," he did that to you?" Madam Maria asked talking about the pleasurable day.

"Yes it was a surprising day"

"I don't know what to say, my dear, I hope that he changes for the better. Come with me to the kitchen I got some cookies for you"

Pearl squealed happily she loves cookies a lot.



Godfrey was in his room getting prepared for the fight with the DCC.

He had a waistband full of dangerous weapons

When the door to the room opened. A young man in his early twenties came.

He was the right-hand man of Godfrey.

"What's it?"

"So you are going to fight the DCC?"

Steven, the man said.

Godfrey turned to him dangerously.

He picked up a little pocket knife and then threw it at him.

Steven immediately dodged it.

"So you want me to spare them after all they did to my face and my clan," he said angrily.

Steven sighed

"You are still bringing in Hudson's daughter"

"Yes and I'm going to torture her severely till she begs for mercy and to make Fred receive pain"

Steven didn't say anything, he kept quiet as he listened to his maniac boss.

"Now let's go kick some ass"

He laughed horribly as he walked out.



Pearl just came out of the kitchen after eating enough cookies to her content.

She walked to a surprisingly quiet hallway.

As she walked she felt someone following her but when she turned she couldn't find anyone.

Fred had already gone for the mission so the person she was suspecting was not him.

She walked faster to leave that part.

But as she turned a stick hit her head and she went down immediately.
