Fred continued sucking on Pearl's lips lost in the taste.

He only came back to his sense when Pearl bit him on his lips very hard that he could taste blood.

She pushed him off from her

" How dare you" Pearl as she glared at him.

Ignoring her glare as he said,

" Sweet..you taste like vanilla" he smirked annoying Pearl more.

" Don't think you archived something just by kissing me" she said walking to the door.

Holding the door knob,she turned to him.

" And also stay away from me, even if you send for me, forget it I won't respond,am warning you stay your lane" she said pointing her index finger at him, she then walked out.

Fred was amused by her bold actions, he doesn't know she was this stubborn m

' Fierce ' he mumbled to himself smirking

His mind then went to the kiss and the taste of her lips.

' Sweet' he said to himself licking his lips

He is even surprised with himself cuz he had made the rule of no one initiating a kiss on him.

But he himself had broken the rule and kissed her instead.

He would fight anyone who comes his way to get pearl, not even that Mike.

" Am gonna kill that bastard"



Mike was still feeling pains from his injury so he took his drugs and laid on the bed.

Ebeniz was the one who helped him take his drugs.

She came in shortly after Fred and Pearl left.

And now she is sitting beside him to watch over him.

She looked at his features.

He has strong and sharp jawline, thick well carved brows, long flutter girl-like lashes, and red sexy lips.

She blushed within herself imagining how his loose will taste.

Just then, Mike was rolling as if struggling on the bed.

Ebeniz went to him quickly.

" Mike, Mike what's wrong"

He opened his blood shot eyes staring directly at her, Ebeniz got scared and wanted to pull away from him.

But he pulled her back to himself, caging her on the bed.

He didn't wait for another minute before claiming her lips, kissing her furiously.

Ebeniz eyes widened she tried pushing him off.

But who was she kidding, he was damn stronger, he didn't even budge.

He continued kissing her hungrily, Ebeniz had no other option than to relent and kiss him back.

The kiss became more hot, he trailed kisses down to her neck, Ebeniz moaned softly.

His hands went into her shirt, caressing her.

" Ahh" Ebeniz moaned again.

As if her moan ignited more desire, he trailed down to her bre@st leaving an hickey on her neck.

He kissed her cleavage before sucking on it.

"Oh my" Ebeniz moaned softly

" Moan for me Pearl" Mike said huskily

Ebeniz became stiff hearing that

She quickly pushed off her.

By then Mike was back to himself

"What did you say, Mike" Ebeniz asked to be sure of what she heard

Mike looked at her, her face didn't look clear to him before

But now he could see she was not Pearl but Ebeniz, someone he barely talks to.

His mind then went to what he did to her thinking she was Pearl.

His eyes widened, he looked at her

" Am so sorry, I.. thought you were someone else..ahh" he said holding his aching head

" You thought it was Pearl right, why her, why can't you look at other girls, why can't you look at me, I love you Mike, you harassed me thinking you were pleasuring another girl, I hate you Mike, I hate you" Ebeniz said in tears before storming out of the room

Mike looked confuse

" What's wrong with her"

He then sighed.

" What have I done, gosh Pearl you are making me go crazy, ahh"



As Ebeniz walked out of the room in tears she met Percy on the way who was about going in to check on Mike.

Ebeniz glared at her before walking away.

Percy looked confuse, she decided not to go in again and come back later, maybe Mike isn't in a good mood.

Turning back she met Kace looking intently at her.

" What are you doing here" Kace asked

Percy rolled her eyes and ignored him walking away.

Clenching his fist, Kace went after her grabbed her hand and pulled her to a corner.

" Let me go" Percy shouted but he paid deaf ears to her demands.

He pulled her to the wall and caged her, with him hovering over her.

" I asked what were you doing there"

" What's your business with what I went there to do" Percy retorted

" I hate repeating myself" Kace yelled

" I went there to check on him and so"

" I told you to stop going to him, can't you see I love you, why him is he better than I am"

Percy scoffed

" If course he's more better than you, I will chose him over you, over and over again, I wi....." She was cut shut as Kace claimed her lips.

Her eyes widened, she knees him on his groin and gave him a slap.

" How dare you, you son of a b*tch

Percy spat

" I told you I hate you don't ever talk to me again" she glared and walked away

Kace shot his eyes in pain not from the kick but from his heart.

He loves her darely buy she wasn't giving him a chance.

" I would forget you Percy " he said to himself.



Since that incident which happened to Pearl, she had been in her room, scared of what Fred might do to her if he finds out she was among the people who adopted Pearl

She had thought of running away but she knew it was impossible, and she stayed with the thought of her being the master's favorite that's why she is been spared.

She hadn't seen Eva and Nutella too, but she cared less thinking the master had caught them sparing her.

She sat facing the mirror doing some makeup planning to go to the master's room tonight.

Just then the door burst open and three guards came in.

" Take her" Jake the leader said

They went to her and grabbed her up

" Hey what are you doing let me go, do you know who you are touching" Aria commanded.

Jake smirked" your days are numbered Aria the master ordered us to lock you up in the dungeon now for adopting master's mistress"

"What I didn't do anything, she accused me falsely, please spare me, she is lying" Aria struggled as they took her out of the room to the dungeon.

" Master Fred!!!!"


Jasper walked to the maids quarters to look for Mia but she wasn't there

He guessed she was in the kitchen working.

So he walked to the kitchen.

In getting there he met madam Maria and Mia as expected.

"Ooh Jasper what are you doing here" madam Maria asked

Mia turned hearing Jasper's name being called.

Their eyes met but Mia quickly turned away and continued what she was doing.

"Uhm madam Maria, is Mia free I want to have a word with her" he said looking at Mia who ignored him

Madam Maria watching the way Jasper was looking at Mia she understood something.

She cleared her throat" I guess I have to leave you two" madam Maria smiled knowingly

" Mia don't forget to switch off the gas" with that madam Maria left the kitchen.

Jasper looked at Mia who was still ignoring his existence.

Thankfully they were the only ones in the kitchen.

" Mia" he called softly.

She still ignored him.

Then he went to her, standing behind her, he grabbed her waist pulling her to himself then he placed a soft kiss on her neck

"Am sorry" he whispered

Mia stiffened feeling his hot breath on her neck.