" How..How did you know my sister"

Emma asked shocked

Besides her family, no one knew her other sister.

Actually, the one raped by those rogues and the one Fred was talking about were twin sisters.

She had not seen the other sister for years now.

She had lost contact with her sister that night after that incident.

Her sister didn't follow them then because she was sick and was at the hospital alone and they had wanted to visit her when the incident happened.

She searched for her in the city of Los Vegas, but couldn't find her.

She kept searching secretly for her, not wanting to alert their enemies they had another family member who is still alive aside her.

When she asked of her sister's whereabout after she was rescued Godfrey had told her Fred might have gotten rid of her.

She became furious and promised herself to kill Fred herself, Godfrey had supported her with her decision and joined hands with her.

She had thought then Fred was the enemy, and now she is still thinking the same, Godfrey won't lie to her about Fred being the murderer of her family.


" You are asking how did I know, you are too dump Emma you think you could hide such information from me" Fred sneered.

"I didn't hide anything from you, you killed her already there's no need hiding it anymore" Emma mumbled.

Fred looked at her then chuckled.

" Godfrey feeding you with false news about me right? "

"He was not lying, you killed her yourself, you are a monster, you had adopted her after learning that we still had a family member who was at the hospital. I wish I could kill you"she yelled at his face.

Fred didn't budge but shrugged

" You can kill me anytime you want, but before that don't you wanna know that she is alive and who she is? "

Emma looked into his eyes to know if he was really saying the truth though he had that annoying smirk she wants to wipe off his face.

But she couldn't do anything in her state and relented.

" who is she and how do you know she's alive"

" I have my ways, but…. "

His expressions then turned serious

" you would have to tell me where Godfrey is"

Fred demanded coldly

" ok"



Pearl and Mia were walking cheerfully, talking and laughing, when they bumped into someone.

" ooh sorry… "

" Hey watch it b*tch, are you blind or something can't you watch where you are going" Annalise yelled at Pearl since she is the one who directly bumped into her.

" why the insult, she already apologized" mia said

"ooh please, keep shut who are to tell me that you lowly fool"

"What did you just call me? " mia asked ready to fight

" a lowly fool, isn't that what you are " Annalise smirked.

"Did you hear what she just called us, I can't take it " mia said

"Me neither"Pearl agreed.

Mia and pearl quickly jumped to Annalise grabbing her hair.

" how dare you insult I and my friend, how dare you" Pearl kept pulling the hair more harder while mia gave her a slap, Annalise screamed in pain.

" ahhh, let go off me, ahhh someone help me from this mad women" Annalise screamed

" you are still calling us mad, you haven't seen anything, now repeat after me, say am a b*tch, and a lowly fool" Mia said

" why would I say that when am not" Annalise denied still in pains.

" you are not saying It right, receive this"

She gave her another resounding slap.

" ahhhh, okay okay, yes am a b*tch and a lowly fool, can you let me go now"

"You still have mouth to talk" Pearl gave her another slap, now Annalise's cheek was already red.

" Now say it louder"

" imma b*tch and a lowly fool" Annalise screamed this time.

" Again"

By now there was crowd already from both the maids and the clan's member.

👥isn't that Annalise, who came recently

👥yes she is, I wonder what she did to make the crazy mia angry

👥she deserves it anyway, she is too proud

👥yes, I hope mia beats her black and blue

👥pearl is also a crazy fellow

👥yeah never knew she was

👥am starting to like her

They laughed watching the scene, Annalise face was already crimson red from the numerous slaps she received from mia, who wasn't relenting and ready to leave her soon.

" one more time" Mia demanded

" Imma b*city and a lowly fool"

" please lemme go"

Mia was about to reply when a voice said,

" whats going on here" Fred said as he walked into the crowd.

" master" everyone bowed in respect, while he nodded, Jasper was beside him

He raised his brows questioningly.

Annalise quickly pulled herself from Pearl and Mia's grip then ran to Fred in tears .

" Fred help me, this mad woman and her friend here were bullying me, see what they did to my face"

Fred looked at her face then at Mia before his gaze fell on pearl, who was glaring at him.

He wondered what he had done now.

Jasper quickly ran to Mia's side and carried her on his shoulder away.

" hey put me down you big head" Mia screamed at Jasper as she was carried away.

" if I put you down you would cause another trouble"

" Jasper!!! "

Everyone was stunned except Fred and pearl of course, as mia was shouting at Jasper and was even calling him by his name.

They wondered when they became that close.

Everyone attention then turned to Fred and pearl wondering whats gonna happen next.

" Fred say something, " Annalise tucked Fred's cloth.

Pearl glared at them on more time before walking away.

" f*vk" Fred cursed, then pushed Annalisa away from him and ran after Pearl.


👥master really loves pearl

👥i wish I was her

👥he ran after Pearl and ditched Annalise.

" what!! Did he just ditch me for her" Annalise asked no one in particular.