Had He Frightened Her With His Behavior

He accused her, and then pouted.

A grown man pouting might seem effeminate to others, but on her dog, it felt perfectly natural. Not effeminate at all. He was just a big, silly husky who looked utterly aggrieved.


Incredibly adorable!

His penchant for taking liberties was on full display, and now even cheek kisses could not satisfy him!

Liu Shimei wanted to assert her authority, to stop him from taking another step forward. She couldn't let him conquer everything; otherwise, she might as well surrender her territory.

But as she pondered how to handle him, he grew impatient.

"Wife won't kiss me, so I'll kiss myself!"

Before Lilu Shimei could react, her face was cradled in his hands, and his breath descended upon her!

After a day of frustration, Huangfu Lingyao had finally gotten his taste of Liu Shimei, much like a starving stray dog suddenly finding meat. His kiss was fierce, almost as if he wanted to devour her.