
A man, tall and broad-shouldered, dressed in a sleek black suit, with a black tie that stood out. He had sharp features, a chiseled jaw, and brown eyes that seemed to look right through Jae-sung.

"Impressive," the man said, his voice low and smooth. "You have talent, and we are in need of someone like you."

Jae-sung raised an eyebrow, unsure of what to make of the man's words.

"Who are you?" he asked, his hand instinctively moving out from his side.

The man gave a small smile, and motioned to the woman who stood by his side. She was equally striking, tall and slender with short navy hair that. She wore a sleek white blazer and black pants, and her eyes were a deep purple that seemed to sparkle in the light.

"I am Dae-Hyun, and this is my partner, Park Mi-young," the man said. "We are agents of a guild known as the Crimson Blades. We are one of the most powerful and respected guilds in all of Korea, and we are in need of someone like you."

Jae-sung couldn't help but be intrigued. "What do you mean by someone like me?"

Dae-Hyun gave a small smile. "You are the guy from the last arena battle, are you not? Your abilities with steel wire are unparalleled, and your combat skills are impressive. We have need of someone with your talents in our guild."

Jae-sung thought for a moment, considering the offer. He had been fighting alone for so long, and the idea of joining a powerful guild with other Awakened like himself was tempting.

"What would I have to do?" he asked.

"We would need you to complete various missions and tasks, some of them dangerous," Dae-Hyun said. " But in return, we would provide you with powerful magical items, training and resources to hone your abilities, and the camaraderie of a team of skilled warriors like yourself. Along with protection, Not to mention you will be fairly compensated."

Jae-sung couldn't help but be tempted by the offer. The idea of being part of a powerful guild and having access to resources and training that he never had before was alluring.

"I refuse," he said with a determined look in his eyes.

"What?," Dae-Hyun replied, with a concerned look. "Well, at least think it over. Here is our card, we hope to see you around soon."

As the agents departed, Jae-sung continued his journey back to the academy, his mind racing with plans and schemes. He knew that he could no longer continue his quest to clear the goblin dungeon, for the returns on his experience points would diminish.

He made his way to a car salesman, determined to use his newfound wealth to purchase a vehicle that would allow him to travel to other dungeons with ease. Such a possession would serve not only as a tool for farming resources, but also as a symbol of his triumphs and achievements. No longer did he fear revealing his true self to the world, for he knew that he had the power to defend himself against many foes.

Indeed, the awakened ones lived lives of luxury and excess, their wealth and resources fueled by the rare items and valuable materials that they extracted from the dungeons. And so, with his mind set on his goals, Jae-sung drove back to the academy, his heart beating with anticipation for the meeting that lay ahead.